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Kara NiS updates

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All of the chapters that I have first pass edited are now posted.

The story will be continued in a long (but important!) epilogue that is mostly written. I'll post those chapters as I finish their first editing pass.

Posting errors

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I'm aware that there some errors happened when parts of Wednesday Morning and Afternoon were posted. I'll see what help I can get from SOL staff over the next few days to get those fixed.

Also, going forward, I'm trying to split the sections up into smaller size chapters (ones that hopefully won't be more than a page within SOL).

Kara NiS finally live!

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The first three chapters have been submitted for posting. Editing of these has been by me alone so far, so it's possible some errors slipped through. I aim to post several more chapters daily until I'm caught up to my buffer (most of the way through the epilogue).

Also, these first chapters may appear similar to the 2nd Monday chapters of Allison and Emanuel - but they are from Kara's point of view, and thus different enough to be important.

Kara NiS coming soon

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Pearce49 has graciously volunteered to help me with the editing for Kara NiS (the direct sequel to Allison and Emanuel). Once I start getting the first parts back from him, I'll do the final edits and start posting the chapters as soon as I have them ready to go up.

Since it's being edited in small chunks, uploads may be a bit sporadic. I just finished the preliminary writing of the main week; all that remains of that is the epilogue. Warning though - it's going to be a long one; currently a little over twice as many pages as the first story.

Allison and Emanuel, NiS: All parts done

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All of the original chapters (1-16) and new chapters (17-33) have been edited and submitted for posting. Expect to see them up in a few days at most.

I anticipate that there might be issues with the way SOL splits chapters into pages. Once the chapters are up, I'll check each one and make any necessary changes.

Thank you, everyone for your patience with me while I finished this story. I might begin a sequel of sorts (covering Kara's program week); but if so, I'm not sure when that will be ready to begin posting.



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