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It's a statistical necessity though. It doesn't mean half my readers don't like the story, it's just that once the average score has settled, it doesn't change much. Each new vote could be either the same as the average, or a bit above, or a bit below. Who knows! My reader might have liked it, or not.
Home Invasion was inspired by the TV series The Power, in which women acquired the ability to fire electric shocks from their fingertips. It removed the physical dominance men have always had. This has quite a fundamental effect on make/female relationships, so in this story the male is old, and losing strength, while the girls are super fit. And of course he can't bear to reveal the truth, that now he's weaker than girls, so he can't summon reinforcements either. Luckily everyone is good-natured in this story even though, coming from different eras, and different backgrounds, they have plenty to clash about.
Hmmm, the final chapter doesn't seem to have been too satisfying, judging by the voting! So the question is whether I need to extend it a bit, to bring the dickgirl paradise thing more to life, or to backtrack and make it less extreme and perhaps a more believable/less ridiculous. Any thoughts?
I ran out of energy on a story I started quite some time ago, so I've started posting the first chapters. Hopefully a few votes and comments will inspire me to get on with it. Tbh it mainly started with a too-tempting alliteration - Spinsters in Space - and went from there. Possibly it's become something a bit too deep so I am out of my depth, but let's see.
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