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DaMuddaFukkah: Blog


Daily Update

Posted at 2/27/2023, 5:57:10 PM

I'm going to try and do daily updates as much as possible.

Here's todays:

Feb 27, 2023

Disappointing progress this morning. Had more time to write than I do on an average morning and I still only got pp. 24-26 of Graduation Day proofread and ready for posting. I did repost Chapter 2 though. I needed a picture of a revolver with an exposed hammer. After all, Tyrell can't pull the hammer back and cock the revolver on a gun that doesn't have an exposed hammer.

Hopefully more progress than two pages written tomorrow. I guess we'll have to wait and see. I appreciate everyone's patience and support.


Progress being made

Posted at 2/23/2023, 7:08:24 PM

Proofread and got ready for posting pages 10-15 of High School Graduation day yesterday. This is out of about 111 pages that have already been written. When I originally wrote it I just dumped it all out on paper as fast as my fingers could type so there isn't much of a chapter structure if there is any at all. As I go back through it I am going to try and find natural stopping points that I can call the end of a chapter so that anyone who wants to read it doesn't have to wait for me to finish proofreading the whole thing before they can get their hands on any new material. I'll try and be more diligent about posting to my blog regarding what sort of progress I am making so all my legions of fans aren't left to just wonder what is going on with respect to posting new material.

Chapters 1-3 of new story submitted

Posted at 1/27/2023, 7:11:08 PMUpdated: 1/28/2023, 1:37:53 AM

Alright well folks I wanted to make progress on writing Chapter 3 of Spread Family Thighs and Stuffed Family Pies yesterday but my brain told me to fuck off and that ti was too tired to be that creative. I have quite a number of 1/2 written stories that I want to get the parts that are written already submitted so I went with something that required a little less brain power. I just submitted Chapter 1 of Self Defense Instructor: The Karate Queen and I am hoping that SOL will get it posted this morning (27 Jan). I'm going to step away from the computer for an hour and then come back and work on getting Chapter 2 ready for posting. Even stuff that is already written seems to take me a long time to get it ready for posting but, you never know, maybe by some miracle I can get Chapter 2 posted today also. I appreciate everyone's patience as I try to find cracks of time during which I can get everything posted as well as finishing up some of these stories. Cheers, DaMuddaFukha

New Story Idea - Feedback is welcome

Posted at 1/11/2023, 8:44:22 PM

While watching the TV show Everybody Loves Raymond yesterday I started thinking about what a hot, prude and uptight bitch the character of Deborah is and what a whiny, spoiled, pathetic piece of shit the Raymond character is. It set my mind to wandering and, by the time the show was over, I had come up with the following storyline:

Robert has had enough. He's sick of his pathetic whiny spoiled brother getting everything including a wife who is a hot piece of ass. He just can't take it anymore and it's now time to put a plan into action. Ray will be going out of town soon and Robert figures he’ll let Bernie, Andy and his dad get in on the fun. All he needs to do is figure out how to get Deborah to call him on the phone. Later he will claim that the reason for her call was to invite him over when her husband was out of town to have a glass of wine. When they have that glass of wine Debra's will be drugged and while she is unconscious Robert will strip off her clothes, shave her pussy and then fuck her. He'll also call Andy, Bernie and his dad so that they can all fuck her too. He'll wake up in Debra's bed the next morning and both of them will be naked. He'll tell her that she got blackout drunk and came on to him; also telling him that she was going to call Andy, Bernie and her father-in-law so they could all come over and fuck her too. Deborah will know this isn't true but Robert tells her that Bernie Andy and her dad will all back him up if she goes to the police. Robert also says there's video of at least him and her having sex although the camera is at such an angle that Deborah's face can't be seen so that no one can tell that she is unconscious. Deborah is still determined to go to the police but Robert asks her how she'll explain why posts on internet forums, posts that can be linked back to the IP address of her computer and all of which occurred at times when Andy Bernie, his dad and he can all prove that they were somewhere else, will have been made claiming that her deepest darkest fantasy was to invite all four of them over so that they could all fuck her. Robert finally claims that if Deborah doesn't want her mother or her husband to get hurt then she'll keep her mouth shut. As a way of proving this Robert makes a phone call and has Deborah's mother either severely beaten or killed. Most likely killed because then that would make it easier to explain why Deborah's father eventually comes to live with her and Deborah is forced to seduce her own father and bring him into her new life of group sex. Unbeknownst to Deborah, Robert has told Ray’s boss, over whom he has compromising information, to send Ray to South America, supposedly to cover an international soccer tournament. While there, Robert arranges some local thugs to do a snatch and grab so he can tell Deborah that if she ever wants to see her husband alive again that she’s going to do everything she’s told. Other ideas are that the story happens on the twins' 14th birthday so that you can include both Deborah’s sons and her daughter or a storyline that eventually grows to include Deborah's sister.

Update 2023.

Posted at 1/8/2023, 9:29:43 PM

So, I'd say Chapter 3 is getting a complete re-write except I'm not re-writing anything. I'm just putting aside everything I've currently written with respect to that chapter and starting over fresh. I have about 7 pages of new material written but I imagine Chapter 3 will be even longer than Chapter 2 was so it may be quite some time before I get it posted. I appreciate everyone's patience. I have a little bit of time today that I am going to use to work on it and I'll try and keep posting blog updates as more progress is made.



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