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DaMuddaFukkah: Blog


Daily Update 4 May

Posted at 5/4/2023, 4:44:42 PM

Finally, a productive 24 hours as Chapter 9 of Graduation Day is posted and work on Chapter 10 has begun. I have now proofread through page 98 of 127 pages written and I hope to get the last 30 pages of written material of this story posted sooner rather than later. Thanks for everyone's patience and support as I try and post something that all can enjoy.

Daily Update 28 April

Posted at 4/28/2023, 10:29:54 PM

What do you say folks? So, no progress the past four days but I do have a couple hours this afternoon that I am going to try and dedicate to High School Graduation day. So fingers crossed that I will have something new to post sooner rather than later.

Daily Update 24 April

Posted at 4/24/2023, 3:48:33 PM

back to working on graduation day. Currently on page 94 of 125

Daily Update 10 April

Posted at 4/10/2023, 4:34:12 PM

Hey Folks, so, per usual, I haven't made as much progress as I thought I would and certainly not as much as I would have liked. In more bad news I have had a change of circumstance and the hour I have had, up until now, to write in the mornings may be going least some days. However, I am still committed to finishing everything I have started and making some of the other ideas that I have had that I find to be most appealing into stories but it may take longer than I thought it would. In other news, it appears that I glossed over the breaking of both Shawna and Jenny on the tongues of their very own fathers in High School Graduation Day and this is something that I find to be unacceptable. So I have stopped, on page 91, proofreading what I have already written and I am rewriting that portion of the story for a more blow by blow account of these two shameful defeats. Whatever the circumstances I am committed to sharing all my fantasies with you, the reader, as quickly and as in as much detail as possible.
Sincerely, DaMuddaFukha

Daily Update 4 April

Posted at 4/4/2023, 4:24:35 PM

Alright folks, zoomed right past the point where all three girls finally had their pussies completely shaven by their daddies yesterday without even realizing that it was good stopping point for the next chapter. Messed around a little bit with not putting images inside tables inside the word document to see if it would come out looking a little nicer when converted to HTML. I think it does look a little nicer, but I can't get the pictures to flush right or at least I couldn't in the 10 minutes I spent trying this morning. Hopefully more progress on Chapter 9 of High School Graduation Day tomorrow. I have now proofread halfway through page 87 of 121 total pages written in the Graduation Day story.



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