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Coach_Michaels: Blog


At Last

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Something new about the kids, though it's about something that happened in 2015.

I've got two or three, possibly four more for that year to finish, and then I'll bundle it up into one "book" with multiple chapters. "Sex Wasn't Supposed to Be Like This" wasn't going to be any fun to write, and it would violate Rule 7, so I don't need to write it. "How to Be a Big Man" probably wouldn't violate any rules, but if I don't have to write details about Paula being molested, I don't have to write details about Paul being beaten, and I'd just as soon not. So there.

So, two chapters I don't need to worry about finishing. There's still the one about the parents being arrested and the kids put into the system, and the one about the court order which leads to the need for "Arranging Substitutes" and "Date With Jenny" and such.

The two maybes are one about the fear that CPS might separate them, foster them out to different families or such, but that's mentioned in others and maybe doesn't need a chapter of its own? And one about Christmas during the separation, and even Sally, Jenny, George, and Sam can only do so much to make the holiday less painful with neither parents nor lover around. Maybe don't need that one before I bundle them up.

That first concert, and right after.

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The Paul & Paula 21 story listed as 25-Seattle, Opening Act ends with Ted Michaels asking his wards, “So kids, how’d you like to break the law?”

With an ending like that, there should be something about to happen, but you won't find it. There's nothing there until we're watching the kids arrange substitutes for when they're going to be apart due to a court order. But, but what about "break the law?" Did the court order have anything to do with the law-breaking?

No, it did not. Judge Lanchew knew nothing about that.

And really, I did start to write that story, and even wrote a couple of sentences on it today. The story takes place right after this Seattle concert and is called (or will be, if I ever finish it) 3,4 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine and will involve some effective buy technically illegal drug-assisted psychotherapy for the two kids. I don't know why I'm having trouble with it; I didn't have much trouble writing on the same subject for Tomboy.

A few people have asked why I don't take the various P&P21 stories and just make them chapters of a single story, and the reason is because there are unfinished "chapters" which would be missing. If'n I ever get them written for 2015 (which'n I might), I'll repost 2015 as its own "book," as it were.

I do-ed it.

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Been a while coming, but the kids are back.

A Dream

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It was bound to happen sooner or later: I dreamt of Paul and Paula. They were adults, though young, and I think this took place on Tiwani (a fictional planet I've been working on). They were attending some function at a castle, or at least Paul was, and he had made arrangements to meet Paula at a specific spot on the roof. It wasn't their castle, so there would have to be some sneaking around.

For a bit each of them used the ability to become invisible to facilitate this sneakiness, but I decided that there wasn't sufficient explanation for invisibility: for it to be some innate power seemed a bit much, and if it was some device, where did they get it? So nix on the invisibility, though maybe later.

Paula came down from the roof to take part in something she was expected to take part in, sure that she could return later. She was changing into more formal clothes, and she knew that she and Paul might be in the ballroom at the same time, but couldn't meet there because they had to go unnoticed as a couple. I think she might have been expected to perform, but I'm not sure.

Paul was dealing with some square cushion/balloon thing. He was trying to make it seem that it was just a box, but of course it kept trying to float. He sat on it, but it was almost buoyant enough to lift him, and it was hard to keep his balance. Also, he couldn't sit on a box on the floor throughout the whole party, or ball, or whatever it was. He tried tucking it under his arm, but he had to constantly exert himself to keep his arm down. It got tiring, but he felt if he switched arms every now and then he wouldn't tire too much. During one of these switches the thing got away from him and floated up to the castle ceiling, forty feet or more above. Paul spent a little time trying to think of how to retrieve it, but decided there was no way to with the room full of people. Something to think about later. Right now, it was time to slip away for his meeting with Paula.

They might have to come up with something else, though, because it was pouring down rain, and clambering around on the roof would be dangerous. Also, returning inside soaking wet would rouse suspicions. Paul thought, "I sure hope she's not climbing around on that rain-slicked roof."

There were people milling around the halls, and Paul needed to find a safe spot to think, and to try to contact Paula. Contact her how I don't know, but if this was Tiwani it would be by secret cell phone implant. Anyway, he slipped into a shadow under a staircase, only for somebody already there to grab him from behind and hold a blade to his throat.

It was Paula, and they both soon realized that the meeting had now been achieved.

And then I woke up. I thought for a minute that I did hear torrential rain, but it was just my "bootleg" air-conditioner.

Actually, I think I could write this into those otherworldly adventures they've been having.

I really am wanting to put up more of their childhood here, and some of their teenage life as well. But, well, sometimes my brain is on fire, and sometimes it just fizzles.

No, I'm not planning to re-write Anzu, but if I did...

Posted at's some changes I would make.

The Cell
In the story, the cell is a smartphone, only more so, and it isn't a little box you carry around. It's either some very unobtrusive jewelry or stickers or something like that. For visuals you put on a pair of sunglasses. Well, there's a better way.
IIRWA (If I Re-Wrote Anzu) the cell would consist of "homers," similar to what she wore at the rave, only there would also be one on each knee, elbow, and seven little "jwels" on the throat and two inside each ear. The body's position, pose, and subvocalizations would be picked up. For visuals there would be contact lenses, and these lenses would also contain the camera. Subvocalizing is a skill most children master before the age of ten.

Naked Everywhere?
In most NiS stories compulsory nudity is confined to school grounds and school functions, but poor Anzu has to be nude everywhere. What gives? Well, the NiS story I'd read just before starting my own story did things that way, so I just picked up on it. But IIRWA I'd stipulate that Program kids don't have to be naked outside of school and school functions (though they are allowed to be), unless they volunteer for "Program Plus," which counts as college credit, or bumps the grade in any one subject up one letter, or some such. Once you volunteer, you can't back out. Failure of Program Plus is failure in the Program. You have to do it over, though you can decline Plus this time around if you want. Anzu will volunteer for Program Plus. Maybe she's doing worse in Pre-Calc than I thought.

Electronic cigarettes for Botilda's cannabis; may or may not have vapor in different colors.
No PLeaSD. It turns out that plain old-fashioned real-world LSD is one of the safest things you can put in your body, so that's what Rashida will take. X3 will be retained. MDMA is wonderful stuff, but it could be improved so that it has fewer side effects and can safely be used more frequently without "loss of magic."

No Pets In Space?
Just didn't occur to me. No puppy dogs or kitty cats and certainly no gerbils or parakeets. But I don't think that pets will be banned from space-borne city-states. Botilda would have a cat, Steve would mention his faithful dog.

Don't know how much detail I'd go into, but Mendocino Island, most city states, and most Earthly nations have a Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI), equivalent to US$42,000 a year in 2020 money. Minors like Anzu or Steve get a quarter of that (or rather their parents do), a quarter goes to public schools and other services for children and teens, and the remaining half goes into a trust the kid gets at the age of twenty. Since it accumulates from the time the child is born, it's a nice little bit of start-up change.

It's common, though not universal, that high school graduates take off a year and travel before starting college. For Mendocino Island young adults, this typically means a tour of Earth.

Finally, Anzu is a lovely girl, but she could stand to go on a textual diet and lose thirty thousand words or so.



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