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Coach_Michaels: Blog


It might be a neat idea for a story, but...

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...I'm not sure that I'm up to it. It's something which showed up in Paula's "Porny Interview."

Well, a couple of cases it was guys who had girlfriends who weren’t ready for sex, so they sent their horny boyfriends to me so that he’d leave them alone about it. But there were only two cases like that. I’m far too much of a romantic to risk breaking anybody up.

Now that could be fun. Imagine some fifteen year old girl talking to her boyfriend.

"Oh, Jim, I'm not ready for that yet. But, but I don't want you to go find some other girl who'll put out. I know, I'm special, but still. And I don't like that you have to just do without. Why don't you go have sex with Paula Akron. I know she doesn't want you for herself, so she can take care of the sex until I'm ready."

I thinks it's an interesting idea, but I don't know if I'll ever write it.

So I did.

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Yep, wrote the thing where Paula is on a talk show because of something she did when she turned eighteen.

They Are Adults Now

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On June 7th, 2024, Paula Akron turned eighteen years old, and four days later, on June 11th, 2024, Paul Macon also turned eighteen years old.

This might take the fun out of it for some people. No subversive, putting-something-over-on-the-adults sneaky sex, just plain old consenting adults sex. If they were to smoke weed now, it might be illegal (or not), but it hardly has the shock value of when they first smoked it at eight years old. While I haven't written any scenes of them driving cars, they do, and have for two years.

Still, it does open up new possibilities for them, and I'm writing a little something about that. I need to wrap it up, but when I do, I'll post it for you

My original plan for when Paul and Paula turned 14.

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They turned fourteen in early June of 2020, and my original idea was that I would write a story, or chapter, or whatever which would feature the final appearance of Fred and Frida.

F&F were a fourteen year old couple who I would switch to when I wanted something to happen which I couldn't depict P&P doing, because of age. So, when Paula, age eleven, got the idea of dancing in a certain way for some boys from school, Frida actually did it, and you got to read about it. When P&P, barely nine years old, spent some very special time under a banyan tree, I couldn't give you any details, but it just so happens that F&F lost their virginities under that exact same tree and, since they were fourteen years old, I could give you all the details.

But when P&P themselves turned fourteen, well I didn't need to do that anymore, so I was going to write something where we would see F&F for the last time. They were going to be eighteen (four years older than my kids), and they were going to be getting married. They also won a radio contest, so P&P were going to sing at their wedding. Then, all four of them were going to have sex together.

But you know what happened in 2020: COVID-19. They weren't going to be going on tour, or singing at any weddings, or having sex with and breathing all over total strangers.

So instead I wrote about gifts of steel and wood. Hey, I like it, and the sex is still there, just the two of them. Fred and Frida? IDK, maybe they do show up at some point, maybe not.

Ray Hildebrand (Paul) has died.

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On Friday, August 18, 2023, Ray Hildebrand, who wrote the 1963 hit song "Hey Paula," died. He was 82 years old. He not only wrote the song after which I named the two lovers in my "Paul & Paula 21" stories, but he sang it with Jill Jackson.

I am grateful to him for this song I have enjoyed for decades, and for naming my kids. Condolences to family, friends, and fans.



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