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CE Savage: Blog


Chapter 25 of Nexus Evolution is up!

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This chapter includes a little bit of the real world including another piece of Vietnam war history. Also, if you are ever driving a Washington freeway and see the "free coffee" sign out next to the rest area, be sure and stop for coffee and cookies. Sometimes it's the VFW manning the coffee, or it might be the Eagles or the Moose or other worthy non-profits, but it's a welcome break on those long drives and the volunteers are amazing. Besides you might even bump into a Valkyrie or two 😊.

As always don't forget you can get this and all the other stories in the Nexus universe over on Bookapy CE Savage books on Bookapy

Chapter 24 of Nexus Evolution posted!

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Things are starting to heat up as the team prepares for their biggest challenge yet and Sarah takes her weapons skills to the air! We also see a side to Ben that wasn't obvious. Hope you all enjoy the writing!

Don't forget you can support me and my future efforts by going over to Bookapy and getting the full Nexus book or even one of my short stories or Novellas. Every purchase is important to allow me to continue to add my stories here for free. To those that have already done so- thank you so much!

CE Savage Books on Bookapy

Chapter 23 of Nexus Evolution posted!

Posted at

It takes a team to defeat the forces of the dark, now we begin to see it come together! Don't forget you can read the entire book over on Bookapy.

CE Savage Books on Bookapy

Nexus Evolution

Also don't forget the other stories in the Nexus Universe!

Cheerleaders Delight

">A Favor Owed

A Diva's Diva

Devil in a Blue Dress

You might also enjoy visiting my Ko-Fi page. You can leave me story feedback there and there are tons of pics and info for free as well as some bonuses for anyone who would like to become a supporter.

https:// +

And lastly, you can often find me hanging out in the #writingcommunity on Twitter here:

https:// +

Coming Soon- The Handyman Book 2 Love Bytes

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I've been working on Book two of the Nexus spin-off series about Pete "The Handyman" Longfellow. In book one- You'll remember that he goes back to school to protect a Senator's daughter. In book two he gets a frantic late-night call from his first love 'Beth'. They parted under bad terms, but she's in danger! This story has a bit of everything including action, tech and some steamy romance.

It should be available on Bookapy in a few weeks in the meantime if you haven't already, check out the main Nexus series:

Also don't forget the other stories in the main Nexus Universe!

I also have some award winning short stories you might enjoy!

You might also enjoy visiting my Ko-Fi page. You can leave me story feedback there and there are tons of pics and info for free as well as some bonuses for anyone who would like to become a supporter.

https:// +

And lastly, you can often find me hanging out in the #writingcommunity on Twitter here:

https:// +

Nexus Evolution Chapter 22 is published!

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Just published Chapter 22 of Nexus-Evolution. This is another busy chapter where we see just how involved the gods are getting in what's happening. Daisy and Donna both get divine gifts and we get hints of why they are so special.

Don’t forget this book is complete and available on Bookapy Nexus Evolution for only $5.99

While you’re there, check out the other new spin-off series in the Nexus Universe'The Handyman'. It has an entirely new storyline and characters. Pete is a sort of an all-around handy guy to know. He can fix your toilet, do a kitchen remodel,provide bodyguard services, derail a motorcycle gang, or take out an assassin sniper.Join Pete on his first adventure in this spicy Romantic Thriller series as he goes

back to school to protect a sexy cheerleader who also happens to be the only daughter of a prominent Senator. Book Two will be out in 3 weeks.

Handyman Book 1

Finally there’s also extended short stories in the Nexus Universe. These are called the “Nexus Interlude” stories. So far there are 3 with more on the way:

A Diva’s Diva

A Favor Owed

Devil In a Blue Dress

If you’d like to find out more about the characters and my creative process please stop by my Ko-Fi page at:

https:// + (FYI I always break up that last link because the algorithm doesn't like external urls). I'm also working on a character sheet that I hope to have out soon. As the story gets longer, the number of characters keep growing!

There are tons of pics and other free info as well as some bonus content for anyone who would like to become a supporter.And of course, don’t forget you can read all of my stories here:

CE Savage Books



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