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Carlos Santiago: Blog


Happy Ides March

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Happy Ides of March, and I hope everyone has enjoyed Rise of the Olympians.
The next story is The Coup as I have intimated before. However, before we go there, I want to warn everyone that my editor and I are almost done with the rewrite of Reign of Cronos or RoC as I call it. I BELIEVE the posted version was somewhere in the 28~29K word count, but the finished version will probably be closer to the 50K mark.
Sorry about that. Sometimes, in editing, we cut, and sometimes, we add. I hope I add to the story, making it better while still digestible.
Like I have said MANY times before, these stories are meant to be digestible, my interpretation of the mythology, but also faithful in their own way. I truly hope I captured that.
After the edits are done, I will get back to work on The Coup, but I ask that you be patient with me as I do also have a day job, a work load, travel, family, and so one to get to just like everyone else.
Thankfully, The Coup is halfway done. The outline was done a while back, but I think you guys can see the cast list is quite long, and I have to prepare myself for the first Age of Man story while also working on another Miscellaneous Myth story.
Thank you guys for reading, and feel free to leave a comment on any of the stories you liked or didn't like. I can only improve the narratives with feedback.
Have a wonderful spring and Happy Ides of March.

Happy January everyone

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I hope everyone is having a wonderful January. I know I am. Miscellaneous Myth: Cronos has finished and next up is Rise of the Olympians.
As most of you know, I take a small break from my stories after my last one finishes. This one is no different. You will not have to wait that long as the Prologue, titled The Twelve Seats should be dropping on the 3rd of February.
I am hard at work on Book 5 in The Time of Zeus series. However, this story is coming to be longer than most of my other tales (Chapter 1 is nearly 10K words), and it is proving tricky to write as it will serve as the finale to The Time of Zeus series.
Thank you for every single one of you that has been reading these stories of mine. It really does mean a lot.
I may post an Author's Note section in my next blog for Rise of the Olympians as it will have some fun facts that I think most of you might enjoy.
Thank you again for the support and your wonderful feedback.
As for now, I am going to have a restful weekend and work on drafting up more for the Tales of Olympus.

BIG UPDATE! Thanks for the Wait Folks

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Hi Everyone,

I am back! The next story being posted will be Miscellaneous Myth: Cronos on the 1st of 2025. It will take place between The Wedding and Rise of the Olympians.

The title Miscellaneous Myth is an homage to the YouTube channel Overly Sarcastic Productions and their series Miscellaneous Myth, where they discuss random tellings of mythologies. Well, it is that and the fact that I could not think of another 'M' word that went with Myth. Sorry about that.

I should have regular updates all the way through the month of March.

For any Manga fans, I plan to be like Eiichiro Oda-like in that I will make sure you have chapters weekly. So feel free to jump on and off and your leisure. I will be updating regularly. I am already hard at work on the last story in The Time of Zeus series called The Coup.

Every In the Beginning story is currently being edited at the moment.

From here on out, there will likely be Author's Notes on every story giving some explanation for some story quirks, deviations from the mainline myths, my personal thoughts, and inspirations.

I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I enjoy researching and writing them.

Thanks again.

Thank you for 2024

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Thank you everyone for reading my works, most recently The Wedding. I hope to condense all of my stories into a single Universe next year. As I said before, there will be edits, but I am looking forward to posting better versions of the stories.
I want to genuinely thank everyone for rating. Please comment what you like, what you don't. I can only improve with feedback.
I am wishing everyone a Happy Holidays from Halloween to New Years. Since I have a day to day, I won't be posting again until early next year, but I will be back with Cronos' Adventure.
This year has been very fun, getting my start on here. Thanks to the 51 followers I have gained since March. Your support means a lot. I plan I will post more than 6 stories next year. I hope to grow this community of readers, and that my stories can garner more feedback. I have a lot more to tell, and I don't want to let anyone (myself included) down.
Have a great rest of your year. Thanks again!

The Time of Typhon Done

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Thanks all for reading The Time of Typhon. While it is one of my lesser read ones, I am glad you guys went on the journey with me. Thank you for the high ratings.
Next The Wedding. I hope you all enjoy this one as much as I did writing it. This will be the last story I release this year as I will be busy during the Holidays.
I will have another addition to the Tales of Olympus universe early next year. Hopefully, in that interim, I will get proper editing on everything from the Reign of Cronos to now.
Thank you all for your patience on that. Life has been hectic. I promise to have the edited versions up as soon as I have them.
As always, thank you for reading, your positive ratings, and continued support.



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