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brabo1978: Blog


Spoiler? What I write about

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If you have read all the stories in my listing (though I'm not so vain to assume there will be a lot of people who have done that), you might know or at least suspect already what I'm going to tell here. I thought it could be interesting to know what I am and am not interested in sexually, because that will obviously direct my writing as well.

Generally speaking, I think my tastes are rather "vanilla". Don't expect anything truly kinky as bestiality (and I'm sure you can think of plenty more examples of stuff that's way out there) or violence of any kind (the slapping of butts, tits or faces in porn actually turns me off).
For me there's a reason toilets and beds are generally not situated in the same room. Don't expect me to mix these locations and their respective activities (so no, I'm sorry, but Noah won't piss in front of his sister as one reader suggested, even if the story gets a revision at some point). I don't see any attraction in anal sex, either straight or gay. Well, in the last case I do see the attraction, but I still don't share it.
Finally, girl on girl action doesn't do anything for me. It might feature in one of my stories at some point in the future, but then it won't be extensively described. If it occurs, it will be as a way to make the story evolve to a point where I want to get.

In the straight "porn universe" it seems men are straight and women are (almost without exception) bisexual. Not so in my world. I actually am bisexual myself (again, probably not a surprise if you read the stories so far), so I tend to go for the much less popular choice of mixing straight and gay male fantasies in my writing. It's because I know it's not very popular that I've decided to clearly state the relevant categories for every chapter in "Perks of teaching".
I'm a big fan of tits, just not of the silicone variety or of the size that is mostly achieved by "enhancing" them. But natural and naturally sized tits (without wanting to bodyshame anyone with breasts outside my interest) will get plenty of attention in all my "straight writing". That also means there will be plenty of reading between "hi" and "let's fuck". The sexual exploration that goes in between, is important to me.
When watching porn, a scene that doesn't end in a cumshot feels unfinished for me. A creampie doesn't do squat for me. When writing or reading a story, I've discovered that finishing a sexual encounter by cumming inside a girl doesn't feel as a waste of cum the same way it does on video. So it happens plenty of time in my stories as well. Still, I'll try to find a way to mix internal and external cumshots throughout my writing.
As for the age of my characters, there will be plenty of teens among them, but they'll rarely be under the age of 16. The age of 14 is the lowest I'll go (in my stories, obviously not in reality). I admit I'm attracted by youthful features, but I've no interest in children. Biologically, the people who are sexually involved in my stories will be adults.
I applaud writers who are so committed to safe sex that even when things are only happening in our imagination, they're using condoms. I'm not one of them. And every story being fiction, the unprotected sex will not result in any disease or pregnancy. Though my characters will be generally aware of the risk.

I guess that's it. Basically this is what to expect when you start reading one of my stories, current or future. Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging anyone for liking something I don't, or not liking something I do. To each his own, live and let live, etc. Luckily, there's plenty of stories on this site or others, of a huge variety. I'm sure everyone can find the story just to their liking. And if not, start writing!

sharing credit

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I suppose I should mention that I'm not a native English speaker. Though I think my English is pretty good (partially thanks to years of reading erotica online), it is far from flawless. Because I know from experience that a multitude of spelling and grammar mistakes are a nuisance to the reader, AI is assisting all my writing on this site. And yes, it has happened that a suggestion from the AI-program has altered the course of the story. In general, though, the ideas are mine.



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