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brabo1978: Blog


Breaking the silence

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Apparently my last (short) blog post wasn't published. I suppose because I accidently hit "save draft" instead of "save & publish". Right now that post is out of date so it's also not much use posting it anymore. Besides, I wonder how much of an audience blog posts actually get?

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I've decided to take a short break from "Family Friend". Instead of a new chapter in that Archives story, I want to publish a new story from my own this weekend. It will be a short one of just one chapter, but it's one of my personal favourites (at least among the stories I've written, I don't think my work can compare with some of the great works from some other writers). As such I do hope it will be well received.

And don't worry, next week there will be another chapter of "Family Friend" (there's a total of 15, so we're about halfway).


Posted at

Two weeks. That's the time since I last posted anything new here (the final chapter of Perks of Teaching 2). And while it may not be that long, it is the longest time I went without posting since my very first contribution in May this year.

I am currently working on two new stories (after all, I did inquire about the bikini carwash thing for a reason), but somehow writing doesn't come as easy as it used to the last few months. Top it off with a lot of other things demanding my attention, and it feels like I'm hardly making any progress at all.

That's why I was wondering how people would feel about me posting stories that aren't my own, but some I downloaded over the last 20 years. I'd only post ones that I can't find anymore and would indicate them as not mine. Is it even allowed to do this on storiesonline?

Feel free to share your opinion.

Follow up on the help request

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A big thank you to everyone who responded to my request for information in the previous blog post. I intended to send everyone a mail back, but the response was larger than I expected, and it seems like I would mostly be writing everyone the same answer.

There were some discrepancies between all the reactions I got, probably because I forgot something important when talking about habits in the US: it's a big country. Some of you did specify the region you're talking about. Thanks, as that was helpful.

I think I can summarize the answers as follows. Carwashes to sponsor a school activity do exist, but bikini carwashes are more likely for stripclubs or college students (in that order) than for high school girls. They're a lot tamer than what you see on TV. Most people seemed to agree that it's more a thing of the past than the present (whatever the reason).

What I think literally everyone thought important to mention: just write your own fantasy, as it will be better than the reality. I appreciate the encouragement, but there was no need to worry about that. I already know (and knew) what is going to happen in that chapter. The reality - whether bikini carwashes never really existed, they are all out fuckfests or anything in between - would only change how I'd get to the fantasy that's ready in my head.

I think I said something earlier about the timing for posting that chapter. It's definitely going to take some time, as I'm currently working on three different chapters for three different stories. And for some reason, I was more productive before I went on a short vacation than now that I've returned.

Again, thanks for your help, to everyone. I'm pretty new to this site, but it showed people aren't just here to get their rocks off, but also to help each other out. Would it be a stretch to speak of a community? I'll leave that open for now.

American readers: please help

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As I told readers of this blog earlier, I'm not an English native speaker. It doesn't follow automatically that I'm not an American, but in my case that assumption would be right. That's why this short post is a request for help for American readers.

I'm halfway through writing a new story (This would be the moment to insert a teaser but I don't want to give away the premise yet). In one or two weeks I should start writing a chapter about high school cheerleaders doing a bikini carwash. That should do as a teaser ;) the problem is that I only know cheerleading and bikini carwashes from televised fiction.

That's why I'm asking American readers for help. Are bikini carwashes a real thing? How common or rare are they? Is it something that high school cheerleaders do or is it connected to other groups? How are they practical organized?

Obviously I could just write what suits my fantasy best, but I prefer to keep things as real as possible. Therefore, any input from you will help me make this chapter better.

sidetracked into two incest stories

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You know how our mind can easily jump from one idea to another, sometimes resulting in strange conversations if it happens while talking to someone? I firmly believe that has been encouraged by the arrival of the internet, but that's not really relevant. It's actually just another example of my mind having a hard time staying on the course I had planned.

A few weeks ago I was searching the forum to find how to write a blog or to change my profile text. In hindsight it's not that hard to find and I should have found it before resorting to the forums, but sometimes I get a little (or much) shortsighted. While reading, I stumbled upon a thread discussing ratings for stories, with a few writers talking about the individual marks for their stories. That stole my attention as I'm definitely curious to see those for my stories as well. So I read on.

Until a message of someone remarking off hand that the easiest way to get a good score was to write about underage teens and incest. Again my attention was diverted. That was a statement that I wanted to test out. It's the origin of "Gangbanging my sister", written just before I went on vacation. I didn't get to posting it at the time though. During my vacation I was still curious about that statement, so I decided to write another quick story, again about underage teens and incest, that I could start posting sooner. That's how "Oops" saw the light.

Anyway, though my data are insufficient to draw statistically valid conclusions, it sure looks like that person (I don't know who it is anymore) was onto something. Though these two stories didn't get me a higher rating than I did before, the number of downloads, votes and bookmarks are making clear that these two stories are readers' favorites in my list. As for the other searches, I clearly found out how to write a blog (though the forum didn't help there). On the other hand, I still haven't found how to see the individual scores for my stories.



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