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auguy86: Blog


Blogging schedule

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Hello, intrepid readers! I know it's been a while, and I've been hard at work on my Urban Fantasy story I'm querying, as well as its sequel. In the meantime, I think I'm going to start doing an official blog schedule, posting both here and on my website, I'm thinking it'll be every other week. I'll be focusing primarily on fun things, like rankings of film series, TV shows, character analysis posts, and maybe a few speculative posts. For example, my first planned post is "Who should be the new Black Panther in the MCU?" Is this something y'all would be interested in? I'd love to hear from you either way, if you think this is a good way to explore storytelling more in-depth or if I'm just wasting my time. Hope to hear from y'all soon!

M. H. Barton (auguy86)

Thanks for all the volunteers!

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You guys gave me such a response to my request for beta readers! Y'all rock! Really sorry I couldn't say yes to everyone, but thanks again to all who reached out. I appreciate it.

M. H. Barton (auguy86)

Need some beta readers!

Posted at

Greetings, dear readers! I know it's been quite a while since my last post. I won't bore you with the details, but the short of it is I'm currently parenting a toddler, so yeah... no free time.

But there is good news! I've been working on a major project for some time now and finally have it ready for beta readers. The book is just over 100k words, so not a super short read. If you're interested in helping with some honest feedback or would like to know more before you opt in, please reach out. Probably looking for between five and ten readers, especially those familiar with my previous fantasy works.

Hope to hear from y'all soon!

M. H. Barton


Posted at

Hello, all! I know it's been quite a while since I posted anything, but I am still here, and there's good reason for my absence. Late last year, our adoption finally happened, and my wife and I have been raising our son for the last eight months now. He basically runs the house. That, plus the COVID craziness, has hampered my ability to write, though I am slowly getting back into the groove. My current WIP is the do-over story I blogged about last year. Still not ready for posting yet, but I haven't given up yet.

For those who might not have read my entry into last year's Halloween Contest, "For the Love of Life," it is now fully public for your reading pleasure. Give it a read, if you feel so inclined. Thanks to all!

M. H. Barton (auguy86)

For the Love of Life

Posted at

Thanks to all who voted for my story in the 2019 Halloween contest! The story can now be read by anyone with an account, even if it still says Premier Members Only. Hope you'll give it a read!

M. H. Barton (auguy86)
Congrats to the winners!



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