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auguy86: Blog


A Bridge Between Worlds

Posted at

The final chapter has been posted as of yesterday! I'm very proud of this series and worked really hard to bring it to a satisfying conclusion. I appreciate any and all who have followed my writings, and would love the feedback from you, positive, negative, or otherwise. Be on the lookout for some other one-shot stories from me in the near future. Thanks for all your support!


Ch. 10 fixed

Posted at

I just contacted the moderators regarding some strange occurrences in A Bridge Between Worlds Ch. 10 where italicized lines of dialogue would run together into one paragraph. The issue has been fixed, and it is now far easier to keep up with who is speaking in these sections. Please reread the chapter at your pleasure if you were confused during these sections. Thanks especially to the mods for their quick reply!

Bridge Between Worlds

Posted at

Chapter 9 is up! Sorry it took so long, but it's quite a long and important entry. Only one or two more chapters left in this story, I'll begin work on chapter 10 tomorrow. Hope y'all enjoy!


Posted at

Just a quick update. I'm about two thirds of the way through the next chapter of A Bridge Between Worlds. Been a little bit slower going this past week and a half, but I think you guys will enjoy the next entry quite a bit. Stay tuned!

I'm back!

Posted at

Finally got moved in, and chapter 7 is now finished and posted. Enjoy!



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