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Alright, so "It's not the size that counts" is finally finished. The last chapter is in to the editor now. The first chapter is posted, and I will submit a new chapter every few days until it is done.
I'm working on a new Dragon Age story as well I don't know yet how that will go.
I recently broke my leg, and have had some extra time to myself with little to do. I got replaying some older video games, and got obsessed with Dragon Age: Origins. Good game. Lots of character development. A little bit of sex. I felt compelled to expand the little bit of sex. It started with wondering how one gets naked with a partner when wearing armour. I got writing.
When it was all done, I wrote a story I'm actually rather proud of - it may not hold that much appeal for those who haven't played the game, but I feel good about the writing itself. And it felt really, really good to get writing again.
It got me thinking about my incomplete story, It's Not The Size That Counts. It has been so long since I updated it, I can't even remember where I thought I was going with it. I even had most of a chapter written, and lost it somewhere along the way. But I started writing again.
I've written two chapters and part of a third. Two have been sent off for editing. We will see how that goes! I think it's almost done. There's a lot more to Steven and Sarah than the story, but I'll leave that up to your imaginations. Suffice it to say that I am actually starting to think that one day the story may indeed be finished. So, you know, yay.
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