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In which we learn more about Maisie, Belle comes up with a plan to help her new friend, and they go shopping.
Along the way, Poppy remembers fresh horrors.
Just posted a new story, The Night Train.
It's a quick story that's been on my mind for a while, but not had time to put down on paper as I've been too wrapped in in writing Poppy & Belle's story.
It's your traditional Strangers on a Train trope, but a nice story with plenty of my usual dialogue.
I hope you enjoy it.
Now I've got this written I'll get back to Poppy, Chapter 47 due in a little while...
Seems Chapter 45 has caused some headaches with weird formatting.
I think the upload file got corrupted, so I've resubmitted it (after checking it looked ok on both my computers).
Check back later to see if things are fixed
In which Belle makes chocolates and Poppy rediscovers the joys of sleeping with Alex...
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