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AL-Canadian: Blog


Edits and Re-Submission of Chapter 45

Posted at 6/20/2019, 5:27:04 PM

Hey folks - I was reading chapter 45 on the website (it is often easier to see things there), and saw more than a few typos and/or grammar issues. I did a quick edit and resubmitted it. Nothing really changed with the content, but if you want to see a 'cleaner' version of it, it is there for the reading.

Mike (AL-C)

Championships and the Concert are Done

Posted at 6/15/2019, 7:11:28 PM

I have first two title aspects done and am working on the third. Things took a turn during the major concert, and it gave me a new avenue to finish the 'completion' of this story. It should all be wrapped up in the fiftieth chapter.

Hope you are enjoying it so far. As always, comments and votes are appreciated.

Mike (AL-C)

Ch.42 - Burn It To The Ground

Posted at 6/4/2019, 12:40:40 PMUpdated: 6/4/2019, 12:41:13 PM

Hey folks - Just sent in 'Burn It To The Ground' into the que, and it's kinda hot. One final 'practice' concert before the upcoming MAJOR concert. Hope you enjoy. As always, comments/criticisms are welcome. Thanks to those who have made suggestions (possible songs).

Mike (AL-C)

Hope to Finish the Energists' Series

Posted at 5/4/2019, 8:30:40 PM

Hey folks - sorry about the 'long delay' in getting back to Book 6 of the Energists' Series. I now have a little more time on my hands to work on it. I have 4 chapters (38-41) completed, and feel like I can stay ahead of the game (fingers' crossed). Therefore, I'm going to try to post one chapter per week until I've completed this Book.

Thanks to those who've asked about this story and more importantly about my situation up here in London. They are appreciated!

Mike (AL-C)

A Major Boo-boo Fixed in Ch. 37

Posted at 3/10/2019, 1:56:22 AM

Hey folks - I spotted a major mistake in chapter 37, which I just submitted. I had earlier said that Sammy wasn't able to go with Mike and the girls to visit with Canella and his uncle. After rereading the chapter here, I realized that Sammy was indeed on that trip. I just fixed that error and resubmitted that chapter. If you've read it already, the content hasn't changed, other having one of the other girls 'speak' Sammy's prior lines. Sorry 'bout that.

Also, I'm just getting back into writing the last few chapters, so please have patience with me as I attempt to wrap up this 6th (and final?) book in the Energists' series.

Mike (AL-C)



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