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AL-Canadian: Blog


Resubmission of Book 5 Chapters and an Afterward with Songs

Posted at

Hey folks - I've finished an edit job on all 15 chapters of Book 5: Mike's and Tempe's NIS Week in my story series. I have just sent all 15 chapters as a re-post. As I was doing the editing, I made a web-link list of the songs from the Halloween Concert, as well as the chapter titles for this book. These web-links can be found in the "Afterward" chapter.

If you enjoy good rock, blues and/or country music, as well as a few unconventional songs, take a look at these U-Tube videos. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did while researching things for my story.

Mike (AL-C)

Completion for Championships, Concerts & Completion

Posted at

Hey folks - I've just sent in the final chapter for my Energists series. I hope you like how I tried to wrap things up and come to a 'completion' for Mike, Kaleigh and his friends.

I'm putting together concert playlists with web-links, as well as chapter title web-links. I will probably add them to the end of all 6 books in this series. Hope to have them ready to go by the middle of next week.

Let me know what you think of this story and the song-videos.

Mike (AL-C)

Three Chapters Remaining in the Energists

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Hey folks - I just sent the third last chapter into the que. I hope I've done a better job of final (semi?) edits with this one.

I am putting together a couple of files with the concert songs and chapter songs with web-links. Some you may have seen before but a few will be new and pretty interesting, at least in my opinion.

Enjoy your long weekend in Canada and upcoming 4th in the States.

Mike (AL-C)

Book 1 - Before the Energists Chapter Edits and Resubmission

Posted at Updated:

Hey folks - with Book 6 done (a few minor final editing checks), I decided to go back to the beginning of this adventure and do an edit and small 'rewrite' to all of Book 1's chapters. I have the first-ten chapters of B1 done and will be sending them in to be reposted shortly.

I was amazed at how different my writing was when I started this project in 2013. That book's chapters were real short in comparison to my current ones. Additionally, I can see why the score for that book is in the 'mid-six' range. Hopefully, I've brought those first 10 chapters up to my 'current' level of writing.

I haven't changed a lot of the content, mostly focusing on grammar and formatting issues.

Thanks again for reading this six book series (or hopefully start it).

Mike (AL-C)

A Thousand Apologies

Posted at

Hey folks - I want to apologize for the 'lack of final' editing on the chapter I submitted this morning (Chapter 46). I did a pretty extensive edit, with a few subtle adjustments (grammar, run-on sentences and just plain wordiness). If you've already read it, sorry for wasting your time on it ... and please take a second look at it as I believe it is a million times better now.

Again, I'll submit myself to a 1,000 lashes with a wet spaghetti noodle for that weakly done chapter.

Mike (AL-C)



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