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Zen Master: Blog


Australia: A desperate plea for help

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My "The First Command" doesn't tell the whole story. It was intended as the first half of a two-part story. The second half has been pretty much done for a few years, but the main character is Australian and I don't speak that language. I have asked for Australian proofreaders/translators several times, and many have volunteered. Unfortunately, I never seem to get anything back from them. Is there anyone here who speaks Australian and can help me translate a story from American English into Australian English?


Dammit, I knew that!

Posted at

...But I forgot.
SOL allows you to serialize stories. You can post chapter 1 today, then chapter 2 next Monday, and then chapter 3 after you finish writing it.
However, There Are Rules. One rule, which I knew but forgot about, is that "You can only 'Continue' a story which exists."
Sure, that makes sense. Only....
I'm posting a story that I didn't write, because the writer gave it to us and we can't get ahold of him. I put in a "Forward" to warn people, of course. I'm posting it but I didn't write it.
So...the forward should go first, right? Before the actual story? So, I told the submission system that I'm posting a new story, and gave it my "Forward" file. So far, so good.
Then, I went back into the system to add the actual story to this, and my new story isn't on the list of options. Because, you know, it doesn't really exist. It's just a file that I submitted for posting. Once the forward gets posted in all its glory for everyone to read, then the new story will be on the list of stories I can add to. And y'all will actually get the story.
Sorry about that. I knew, but I forgot.


Anyone up to some CAD drawing?

Posted at

The "Swarm Cycle" authors' group has a wiki, an email list, a reference file repository, and so on, to help us keep the details straight. We always want more, though.
It's a lot easier to visualize the layout of a starship or a moon base if you are looking at a drawing of it. Sure, I could do it myself if I didn't have a wife, kids, house, etc, etc, but it's time to ask for help.
I've got a good drawing of an Aurora's pod arrangement by someone named "DC Mike" but he disappeared and I don't want to publish his drawings without his permission.
Can someone look at Mike's drawings and re-produce them plus some more stuff, so that we have a set of common reference drawings? I'd need an outside email address so I could send files.


Minor changes

Posted at

I originally wrote Ending This Mess about 6 years ago. It hasn't been static, though. While all the Swarm Cycle authors have been using it as a reference, every time a new story comes out that is set in the same time period, we have to update ETM to account for whatever new happened in that story.
Aroslav's "Pussy Pirates" is a good example. That story forced some changes to ETM. Not much, mostly just an occasional mention here and there, but enough to warrant updates.
I just got done re-uploading the six chapters that have already been posted. Anyone who is interested can go back over it and try to find the changes. I've done my best to make them as unobtrusive as possible, so hopefully no one will notice. Nah, it's always been like that. You must have misread it the first time.
Oh, and yeah, I've had to also re-upload all of the other chapters, too, but since they haven't been posted yet the changes won't confuse anyone. Except the other Swarm Cycle authors who have been using it as a reference. Nah, it's always been like that. You must have misread it the first time.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Sigh...Current writers please read.

Posted at

As I write this, the current "blast from the past" at the top of SOL's home page is Paul Gable's "In Bondage Schoolgirl". If you read the teaser, it ends with "...even if they are forced into it by their piers." Uh, was she raised in a shipyard, that she's concerned about what a bunch of inanimate wharfs are going to do?
Sure, Paul isn't active, he hasn't posted a new story here in 14 years, but it's a fine example of how to turn prospective readers off. If you can't even get the teaser right, how can anyone expect you to write a coherent story?
Writers, please, please, please take the time to make sure that your title and teaser, at least, are interesting and advertise your skill as writers. I mean, advertise it in a good way. I don't know Paul Gable, never noticed his work before, but now I know that I'm not interested in it. Not if that's his level of writing skill. There are too many other writers here who _can_ construct a coherent sentence.



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