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I'm trying desperately to finish one of my half-written stories "Jason's Second Tale", and occasionally I go back to the original to make sure I don't introduce anything that doesn't match. Well, four years after I started posting JT and roughly five years after I started having assorted friends and competitors proofread it, I just noticed something.
In Chapter 6 of Jason's Tale, someone is killed in the shop where the protagonist lives for the next year or so. Apparently, no one ever notices the body just laying there. Does the body simply evaporate after a few minutes, like in the old "Warcraft" games?
I'm working on a revised version of JT, and it now has a couple of paragraphs about getting rid of Bill's body.
It has been pointed out to me that I'm looking at it (*) wrong. I should be _grateful_ that the writers are thoughtful enough to provide a good sample of their work in the teaser, thus saving me time and aggravation. Yes, you're right. My blood pressure thanks you for pointing that out. :) -ZM
(* This is a continuation of an earlier rant about writers who care so little about their quality that they don't even get their title or 'teaser' right.)
Writers have a hard time seeing the mistakes in their own writing. We can read over our own work, but we know what we wrote so we don't see the typos. In our minds it's all correct. We have to have someone else read our work, to actually find the typos.
As of this moment, the 'Random story' is "Our First Time Together" by Mysteria27. The teaser/description is one line: "A guy and his girlfriend go a little further in there sexual exploration."
Now, does this author honestly not know the difference between 'there' and 'their' and 'they're'? Or does he not use a proofreader? Is it because he don't need no steenkeeng proofreader, he knows how to write? Or is it because he knows he needs one, but he can't find one? There's a huge list of them at "https://storiesonline.net/author/volunteer_editors.php"
To the best of my knowledge, every person on that list works for free, for the pleasure of helping a good story get better. And, of course to get to read a good story before it gets published.
At any rate, I've finished my chores for the day and I came to SOL for some entertainment. Since the first story on the list has such a blatant typo IN THE TEASER which the writer put there to attract readers, I know that the rest of the story will be even worse. I'll find something else to read.
If you go look at my page, at the top (right under my name) you'll see several options. Email, Blog, Profile, Favorites. If you go to YOUR page, you'll see Blog, Profile, Favorites, Twitter. And I don't use Twitter. Why ask people questions when you have "let them answer" turned off?
Today's SoL brings us a note from Ernest's son saying that his father passed away last night. If anyone reading this isn't familiar with Ernest's writing, he wrote action-adventure stories. Most of them have little to no sex, so to get readers here on SoL he had to make do with good plots and writing. His trials with Australia's legal system are described in his "Modern Day Which Hunt" which is NOT fiction.
We're going to miss him a lot.
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