Well, Loosening Up (LU) Book 1 was completed two days ago, and we've started Book 2 postings. I'm working on Book 3 and Book 4 now, adding an increasing amount of controversy between characters as I go. I'm not sure how far I want to take this, but I've already surpassed 1,000 pages in MS Word. Book 1 was around 30% of that, and I'm still writing away.
I realize that I've duplicated the theme of an 'innocent' becoming 'sophisticated' theme in a number of other stories both on this site and on my Literotica.com sites that go back over ten years. On Lit, I wrote under the name Romantic1 for a number of years, and then shifted to SteveWallace [sic]. I shifted Road Trip from Romantic1 to TLCgiver at one point, but I couldn't complete my plan to move Crystal Clear (the sequel) over because I can never get anybody at that site to respond to my emails. Further, the only way I can even get emails from readers on that site is if they see my note to write me directly at Romantically12@aol.com; comments left via clicking on that box at the end of the story never get emailed to me and I have struggled with that site for years trying to fix that. SOL (here) is very responsive.
Enjoy. Wolf