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Vanquished: Blog


New year's resolution and chapter 10 of Road to Serfdom

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Hi, everyone,

This year I hope to be able to post a little more regularly. In fact, at present this is my resolution: I will post something every week, at least until all my unfinished stories are done.

I managed to get into a rhythm, for now at least, and to get out of the difficulties I had with some of my writing. I'm really sorry to everyone whom I left in the middle of things.

One of the things I managed to do is continuing The Road to Serfdom, which recently got a new chapter. This is the work I have grown most attached to through the years. Because of that, I had difficulties going ahead with it, as I was always unsatisfied, but I think I have managed to get things moving again.

The new chapter increases the intensity of the situation quite a lot for what had been a fairly slow and gentle story, but it does so with respect for the plot, hopefully giving some satisfying answers and also posing some intriguing questions.

I found a bunch of people to talk writing with, and it seems to have made things a lot easier in terms of getting my enthusiasm going. Now let's hope it lasts through 2019.

Thank you so much for reading, trusting me with your time and commenting. Feedback makes a huge difference to authors. Good scores don't hurt, either.

New short: Conny's fall

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Hi there,

I seem to have recovered some of my writing drive. I know I have a few opened series I should be finishing, but it's for now easier to write new shorter stories without complicated plots with so many mobile pieces.

I recently wrote A Part of the Team: Conny's Fall. This is a school-based mm foot fetish story.

The scenario isn't too unusual: a bunch of football players torment a wimpy nerd. I hope I made the characters interesting and the writing reasonably clean. If there's interest I might continue this (I was thinking of having Conny being dominating by his siblings, too, with a cross-dressing element).

Hope someone enjoys this. Don't forget to comment, for good or bad.

Wherein the author announces a story and whines about scores

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Hi everyone,

I recently managed to steal a few hours to write a new, short story, called Spring Cleaning. It's a reasonably straightforward female dominant foot worship story.

I know it's unbecoming to complain about scores, but for some reason this story has scored really low compared to others I've posted. It doesn't seem to me like it's much more terribly edited, and it doesn't have particular surprises or MM action which always brings scores down in here.

So I suppose my question is, why? What makes this so bad compared to everything else I've written?

What happened?

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So, I haven't been contributing to SOL for a while. There were several reasons. Mostly, I had to focus completely on my civil service exams (which I now passed, so I'm officially a bureaucrat), but also I became slightly disenchanted with my own work. I wasn't sure how to get get myself out of some plot holes, etc.

I'd more or less given up on continuing, but I came across some new stories and a community which gave me some inspiration. I'm still not sure how to continue my current work, particularly I have come to think Downtrodden is just not well thought out... but we'll see. Perhaps I find a way.

In the meantime, something new. A stand-alone story with a lot of dominance, discipline, and foot fetish. I've a lot of world-building and plot background behind it, but I don't know if I'll use it further. Maybe I aim too high in writing longer works. At any rate, perhaps you'll enjoy it.

The story is Pilgramage. In this world, women have become absolute rulers and reduced men to objects, docile and compliant. They're helpless to resist their domination, but largely acquiescent in it too. This world has a religion, involving their One Goddess, and a pilgrimage women take to get in tune with her teachings. The story takes place at one of the temples on this Way, as a pilgrim arrives and takes service from some men pledged to it.

As usual, any public comments or feedback would be very welcome.

So long... but I still exist, and here's a new chapter to prove

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Hi there,

I know, I know... It's been ages.

Without saying more than I should, I've been very busy with studies/work, and so I've not been able to finish my open stories. Still, I bring you a new chapter of The Road to Serfdom, hoping you enjoy it. Chapter 9 isn't very sexy, but it sets up the basis for a lot of interesting dynamics to come.



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