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Tx Tall Tales: Blog


Blackmail Tales - Started

Posted at

I've started submitting Blackmail Tales, the first three chapters. It's 16 chapters long, complete, the last three are previously unpublished. I'm editing each chapter as I go, so it'll take a few days to get them all submitted.

Again, this is nothing like the last story, which was nothing like the first two. I do tend to write all over the map, I hope you'll forgive me.

Great Feedback

Posted at

Wow! The feedback from the first few stories has been phenomenal. You guys rock!

And I'm not just saying that. This isn't my first rodeo, but the response to Almost Caught and Bad Heather so far has well exceeded my expectations.

As a for instance... I received two great ideas for continuing Bad Heather. Receiving comments about a story and where a loyal reader wants it to go is not uncommon, but useful ones, detailed, thought out, as far as plot goes, without getting too weird or demanding, that's unusual, at least in my experience.

I think I'm gonna take them up on this one. One of the ideas is how to continue the story beyond the summer, and frankly, I love it. Of course we have to finish the summer portion first, so I guess I'd better get writing. Part III's been sitting 3/4 complete in my working pile for far too long. It starts out a little dark, but doesn't stay that way.

Blackmail Tales should be on the way shortly, but I have a friend beta reading the new, previously unpublished, final chapters, and want their feedback before submitting. It shouldn't be long.

Thanks all - TTT

New to SOL

Posted at

After numerous urgings, I've decided to make most of my work available on SOL. The reasons I was given to host my stories here seem to make a lot of sense.

I have a considerable backlog, and will slowly work my way through it. It would be easy enough to just start posting the stories en masse, but I'm going to give each on an edit, as well as removed the old bold/italic highlighting, and other formatting, and update it with what's require for SOL.

I started working alphabetically through my published stories directory.

Accidental Nudist, and Almost Caught were first. I'm about to submit the two parts of Bad Heather (a third part has not been posted anywhere yet, and is nearly complete).

After that, there's the 13 chapters of Blackmail Tales, and I'll follow that up with the three final chapters of Blackmail Tales which have never been posted.

If I continue alphabetically, I'll post Charity Begins Next Door, a Christmas Romance tear-jerker, with some pretty hot sex at the end, followed by the huge, Convenience vs. Need, 30 chapters long, with 9 to go, all of them outlined, and two completed and never posted yet.

If anyone has any suggestions for anything in particular they'd like to see, please let me know. I'm happy to work with my readers.

Thanks - Tx Tall Tales (TTT)



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