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Tx Tall Tales: Blog


Gamer Goddess

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I've just submitted all 13 chapters of Gamer Goddess.

Gamer Goddess was originally published last year, and is a 2013 Clitorides Nominee for best Exhibitionist/Voyeur, and best Long Erotic Story. I thought I'd take a break from submitting my other stories to give the readers a chance to see this one.

It is a romance, revolving around a online game, and relationship developed therein by two lonely broken people. I hope you enjoy it.

Charity Begins Next Door

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I'm waiting on getting the new chapters of Blackmail Tales back from the editor. In the meantime, I thought I'd post one of my favorite stories, and easily the most well received of all my previous postings.

Charity Begins Next Door was a Christmas Contest story from a few years back. Slow developing, and a real tear-jerker (or so I'm told), it's a romance story of redemption. Give it a try, it's difficult to do it justice in a few dozen words, but I think you'll find it worth your time. Not a lot of sex in this one, but what there is, is pretty hot.

Thanks - TTT

Blackmail Tales

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Chapters 9 & 10 of Blackmail Tales submitted. Things are changing, for the better as far as our protagonist is concerned. Hope you're enjoying this series. Life is intervening a bit, so it slowed my submissions, but I'm still hoping to have the entire series out by this weekend.

This was an old series, started eight years ago, and release in dribs and drabs over several years. The earlier stuff needed a lot of work as far as editing goes. The later chapters were marginally better, and not nearly as time-consuming getting them ready for submission.

The Valentine's Day Gift

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I'm taking a small break from posting the Blackmail Tales series to bring you a Valentine's Day Gift. A reluctant Valentine's Day Gift. Hope you enjoy it.

Blackmail Tales 4-6

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Chapters 4, 5 and 6 of Blackmail Tales has been submitted. Chapter 6 takes the story in a new direction where our intrepid, immoral protagonist wants his cake and eat it too. As he's already shown, he's willing to do some pretty dastardly things to get his way.

Thanks for the continued support. I'm hoping to have the entire story online by early next week. Some of the final chapters still need a lot of editing.



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