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An interesting observation about word counts.

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I don't pay a ton of attention to word counts, but I do make note of them from time to time for various reasons, and I just made (what I think at least) was an interesting observation about the word count of the story.

The original upload of FNL on SOL was 69,725 words.

In the remix, I've removed the last game from the end of Chapter 15 for story reasons. That section was 2782 words. So that would bring the word count of chapters 1-15 to 66,943.

That same time frame in the remix is currently 71,521...which means I've actually added just over 4500 words to the original story in the process of refining it.


Whelp. Almost 2022. That was fast.

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Obviously I should have known better than to put a date on when I'd release this thing. That was dumb.

The long and the short of it is that when I started restructuring a few story beats in order to set up the ending I wanted to, I sort of fell down a little rabbit hole and had to fix a few more things, and so on and so forth. Things snowballed a wee bit. Death by a thousand cuts as they say.

THAT SAID...I've been writing, tweaking and writing some more just about every night. Which is way more than I have been in years. I think as a whole, FNL: The Remixes, or whatever I end up calling it upon re-release, will be a much better, much tighter story. And more to the point, I will be much happier with it.

I'm not going to release anything until I'm done with it this time, and I want to release on a regular schedule, probably twice a week Wednesday and Friday. I'm close to finishing it, so bear with me a little bit longer.

P.S. Also my editor is on my ass weekly/daily, so take heart there's someone pushing me.

P.P.S Also, also, hey, there's an editor this time. So, as another of my favorite writers always footnotes his writing with, all errors will be mine (and intentional).

FNL Update - Late August Update and some clarity.

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Happy Friyay.

Football season is upon us, so I just wanted to post a quick update that I'm done with the updates on Chapters 1-3 on my end. I'm not ready to start posting, as I want to be on a regular schedule when I do, but progress IS happening.

I've gotten a couple of emails about the changes I talked about, mostly in the vein of "Don't change it." The updates I'm making were ALWAYS in my long term plans for FNL, which I originally intended to be a three-book trilogy. There are character arcs that were established and plot points that happened in FNL that would have paid off down the road, while still (hopefully) providing a complete story. And to be honest I kind of wrote myself into a corner in regards to a few of them...which may in turn have led to me not finishing the story.

While I don't want to make any promises that there will be more coming...cart before the horse and all that, the good news is that the last ten years or so have provided me a (IMO) much better way to get from point A to point B in regards to making FNL a complete story.

FNL Update: Football minutae - Looking for assistance.

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Hi all. It's been a looooooooong time since I was around HS football with any regularity, so I'm asking anyone who's been reading or has read FNL to shoot me a message if they see any football plays, terms, or anything else that's just
blatantly wrong.

(For clarity, I'm looking for things like "that should be a 5 yard penalty, not a 10," and not, "a WR in high school would never be 5'7".)

I had a lot of people send me corrections when the story was first published, and as far as I know I made most if not all of those updates way back, but all of those notes are like 30 pages back in my gmail account, so those aren't resurfacing anytime soon.

I'd like to get anything erroneous corrected now while I'm working on the updates than have to update chapters after they go public again.

Thanks in advance!

Midsummer's Night Update.

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I've been poking away little by little at FNL over the summer. Most of it is re-familiarizing myself with the cadence of the story, as it has been over 10 years since I wrote it. There are several changes I want to make to the story, and right now I'm figuring out where it makes the most sense to do so.

Right now FNL stands at about 70,000 words. With the edits and the addition of the new story line, I'd like to get it into the 90-100,000 word range, which is a proper novel length. My current plan is to get it in shape to start re-posting around fall and the start of football season. Hopefully that will fit the theme well.

Also there will be a title change with the re-post. I'll most likely leave the original FNL up until the new version is complete, unless things become confusing for new readers.



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