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The Blind Man: Blog


Thanks for the Feedback on Edible Plants.

Posted at

Once again you responded in droves and I appreciate the assistance. Thanks for all the help.

Edible Water Plants

Posted at

I'm looking for a little information from all the survivalists and woodsmen out there. I'm trying to identify some edible water plants that a person would find in late spring or early summer in a river / stream environment in a plains region. Been googling but I've been getting limited info and mostly for non-plains regions like California. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

An Awkward Situation

Posted at

Hi. I've just posted the first chapter of a new story. The story is all ready completed and it consists of twenty chapters. The chapters are short and I'll probably be posting two or more a day for the next couple of weeks. Please note that I've not included some codes. Some sexual content is implied or only briefly mention and does not comprise a significant part of the story. I apologize now if you stumble across something that might offend you.


Thanks for the Feedback

Posted at

Within minutes of my last posting I had half a dozen replies and by the end of the day the number had grown to around fifty. This morning I had another fifteen. I'd like to thank everyone who replied for their speed response and for their articulate explanations as to why 'Earths' is the correct spelling for multiple alternate versions of our planet. I was amazed by detail and effort expended by most responders. You people are amazing. Thanks again for your help.

A Question for all the Word Nazis out there.

Posted at

I'm currently working on the first chapter of a new story and I'm stuck on a word. The story addresses the concept of multiple universes and multiple Earths. I want to write it as Earths because I'm refering to the planet and not types of minerals. Am I correct or should I write it as 'earths' or even possibly 'Earth's'. It's a minor issue but I'd like to get it correct from the beginning before I get to far into the story. Feedback is appreciated.




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