I can never put the Arrowmark saga up for sale. The current IP holder would drop on me hard. So if it does get put up for sale, They will get bombed hard and fast. Everquest is tightly protected.
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Because of the file smash and grab, should I keep an eye open on Amazon and other places for my tittles? Just wondering.
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I love it when I hear what folks think of what I have thrown out there. Let me know what you think. I am curious to know what you think of the way I am splitting the characters by name when I change from one to another.
Have a good weekend and be safe.
Schools of Pain Chapter 4
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Chapter 4 is uploaded and ready to go. Have a good weekend and stay safe out there.
Schools of Pain Chapter 3
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Chapter 3 is sent and waiting, enjoy, and let me know what you think so far.