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Tamalain: Blog


Just a heads up.

Posted at

Making slow but steady progress on the next story. Two more chapters to go plus full edits. Andrew really has to learn how to duck though.

A really odd character that will not be in the series.

Posted at

A female Bard, name is Cassidy and she has three kids. No, not going to give in and have her as is.

New Journeyer's Update

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I am still writing the next story. I have 8 chapters roughed, and the beginnings of chapter nine. 12 is the goal. Editing has barely begun. So please, I will get to posting when the story of Aston Grey, In "A Horseshoes Luck"


Posted at

I have re-uploaded chapter 12 with the corrections that have been pointed out so far. I find it interesting that none of the spell checkers, including Grammarly caught Fierier as incorrect.

New Journeyer's news.

Posted at

There will be a few week's delay before I start posting A Horseshoes Luck. I am still getting it written and edited. I have several more of the characters outlined and they will give the team a run for their money when they meet.



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