Stultus: Blog


Santa loves all Kids... Chapter Two has been uploaded

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And Chapter Three (the conclusion) is off at editing. I'm hoping to post it sometime tomorrow (Christmas day/evening) as long as I get one or two good set of edits. Next week, when things are very quiet, I'll probably update all of the edits and do some very minor tweaks. At least one or two typos always escapes me... always.

Going to try to work on an updated chapter later this week for one of my current incomplete serials and stories. Lots to choose from... so not sure which squeaky wheel gets the grease first.

New Christmas Story Up!

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Santa Loves All Kids, Especially Ginger Ones - Chapter One has been uploaded to SOL's story queue - hopefully it appears shortly.

I'm hoping to have the final chapter up later this week, perhaps by Christmas, but likely by the weekend. Other stuff in various stages of semi-progress - my writing time is still minimal, but I'm trying to get some other chapters done.

Edit -
Chapters 2 & 3 are done! Hoping to post them tonight or tomorrow at the latest. Just waiting for one or two more edits to come back. I've also tweaked Chapter One to fix two lingering typos that were irritating me.

It's a quiet Christmas week here... and I'm writing!

New Christmas Story inbound!

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I finished up Chapter One today and it's off for overly hasty editing and proofing. I plan to post it up on Friday evening. Doing the final chapter takes priority, but I am wanting to do another quick-ish holiday story for next week.

No, I have not forgotten about my annual chapter of 'When the Hunter...'

Health and writing time availability are both recurring issues - but I've been in the mood to write. May it continue...

Seller on Amazon stealing SOL stories!

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<Repost of an earlier Blog post that Laz may have blocked due to embedded URLS in the original message>


I received a nice warning email this morning that some ass-clown on Amazon was selling one of my Stultus stories as his own. He didn't even bother to change the story description and just did a complete copy-pasta of everything!

I can't post a URL to the seller (since Laz has blocked these), so just search for the seller Simon Garrard

As far as I can tell, he only stole one of my stories (one of my worst ones too) but I think I recognize some of Harddaysknight's and/or Just Plain Bob's stories too.

If you would, please check over this $%^&%'s stories and help figure out who else he has stolen stories from - and please REPORT HIM to Amazon:

(again, no URL - just search for Amazon Report Infringement)

Story thief on Amazon!

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I received a nice warning email this morning that some ass-clown on Amazon was selling one of my Stultus stories as his own. He didn't even bother to change the story description and just did a complete copy-pasta of everything!

Here's the miscreants Amazon account:

As far as I can tell, he only stole one of my stories (one of my worst ones too) but I think I recognize some of Harddaysknight's and/or Just Plain Bob's stories too.

If you would, please check over this $%^&%'s stories and help figure out who else he has stolen stories from - and please REPORT HIM to Amazon:

Me? It's good days and bad days with my health and my wife's. I've only had a little writing time lately, but I've been squirreling away notes for several new stories, and adding a few things to a pair of my on-going stories. I have 6-8 pages done of the next 'I'm going to make it all the way' chapter and this should appear here next. Then something new, then (probably) the overdue "Across the River' chapter too.



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