The ClitoridesAwards are now in the voting phase. Read and vote for your favorites
We're having an April's fools writing contest. Few more days until submissions close.

StarCrawler: Blog


The Golden Clitorides

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All right people, there are three more days left to vote in the 2013 Golden Clitorides Awards. Voting closes April 15. Take the time to vote for your favorites before it's too late. Let's show them that SOL authors rule!

While I was there casting my own votes, I discovered that nominations for the 2014 Clitorides are open. All of the authors you would expect see have been nominated, along with a surprise.


I will admit to sitting here at my monitor, staring slack-jawed at seeing my name on the list of nominees. "A Halloween Redemption" has been nominated for "Best Erotic Fantasy Story" and "Epic Erotic Story of the Year" for 2014. Considering the competition, I have no illusions of actually winning either title, but the fact that I was even nominated is a humbling experience. In the same vein, I also received a nomination for "Author of the Year."

Thank you.

Even if I don't win, I now have bragging rights for the nominations. Trust me, I will brag.

Thank you for reading.

Backups are a really good idea!

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So, I've been AWOL for the last couple of days. You would think as a former computer tech I would have recognized the signs of a failing hard drive...

Wednesday evening, my hard drive crashed. Best I could figure, the drive motor froze. Lucky for me, and you, I make daily backups of everything I write to an SD chip with a utility called SyncToy 2.1. It's written by Microsoft and works with Windows 7 just fine.

Anyway, I had to wait for payday to get the replacement drive, then I took the old drive to a friend of mine who specializes in data recovery. He helped me reinstall my system on the new drive, and get my system back on its feet. While I was at it, I upgraded the RAM and put in a new keyboard. I seriously love my netbook.

I tried to login to Gmail at work, but...

SOL was a no-go from the beginning and I knew better than to try. So, I'm back, and the next chapter is in the queue.

Thank you to all of you who sent hello messages. I've got some catching up to do, so bear with me. I will get to you.

Thank you for reading.

Chapter Updates

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I have to apologize to Lazeez for what I did today:

Eleven chapter update uploads. All the fixes to problems pointed out by my readers, for a total of fourteen chapters fixed. The primary issues were "lie vs lay" and "discrete vs discreet."

Thanks to all who pointed out the issues, especially Willobie.

Thank you for reading, and remember: vote early - vote often.

AHR Update

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I had it pointed out to me that the sparring match in Chapter 47 of "A Halloween Redemption" couldn't have happened the way it did without someone getting fired. I fixed that by the simple expedience of getting them out to the parking lot.

There were a few people who pointed it out, but 'Wayne' was the one who presented a telling argument for why I should fix it.

Thank you, Wayne.

And thank you all for reading.

Next Volume Posting

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If you haven't already noticed, "A Halloween Redemption" has ended - on a cliff-hanger, of course. I had originally planned to take a short break before I started posting "Redeeming Halloween," but your emails convinced me that waiting would be a 'bad idea.'

So, here it is. It's shaping up to be as long as AHR was, so it will take time to get it out. Because my weekends are free, I should have no trouble keeping up my current schedule, although the time of the posting may vary.

Thank you for reading.



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