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StarCrawler: Blog


One last chapter this weekend

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I realize I posted a lot of chapters to A Halloween Redemption, but Chapter 6 is going to have to be the last one for this weekend. After this, I'll be posting one on the weekend and probably another during the week. If my muse rides me hard enough, three is possible, just not likely. She's a taskmaster, but not unreasonable.

I do understand anticipation of the next chapter, really. I've been a member here for almost eight years now, and I've experienced the pain of an author going from one chapter a week to one a month. There's nothing quite like the dreaded "inactive" highlight. And there's simply no way of knowing why. After a year, I just give up. No closure.

I can't promise I won't do that one day. But if I see it coming, I'll turn my account over to someone who can answer for me. That's the best any of us can do.

Thank you for reading. I gives me great satisfaction knowing that someone out there likes my meanderings.


A Halloween Redemption...

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... has been submitted to the queue. Prologue and five chapters are in the moderators' hands. If you've read BbH, you can probably skip the prologue and the first three chapters, but give them a quick cover anyway; there were some minor things I fixed, including format errors in Chapter 1. The ending paragraphs of Chapter 4 were changed to better reflect my feelings about the ending.

I've got the next two chapters written. Chapter 8 is in very rough draft, waiting for me to finish with 6 and 7. I'll post as quickly as I can, but I can't guarantee I'll be as quick as I was with BbH. That was more or less complete before I started posting. I'm going to try to stay one or two chapters ahead of posting, and weekends are generally more productive, so I'll be posting on weekends, with midweek if I get something ready in time.

Response to BbH was much more positive than I'd hoped, and I appreciate all your comments. AHR is going to be my baby, though, with BbH becoming the stepchild.

Thank you all for reading my work.

Special thanks to Lubrican. His writing inspired me to try, and his encouragement got me off my ass. Thanks, BOB.

And a shout out to Uncle Draggi. Keep your hands off my outline!

Newbreak: I messed up the submission of AHR. I had to pull it back and try again. Please be patient. I've never posted in bulk before and I'm learning on the fly.


Update: with the help of Lazeez and Vixen, it's up.

BbH is finished

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My children are coming for a visit, and my muse got all excited. She drove me to finish Chapter 4 and get it out there.

So, here it is.

This finishes this version as a horror story. You'll see the codes have been added to. Although our hero was oblivious, my readers were intended to pick up on the big secret. ;)

For the follow-on romantic (sort of) version, see "A Halloween Redemption."

Thanks for reading.

A quick thanks

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I forgot to mention in my last blog...

I have received several comments about BbH. I'm happy to say that some were constructive ... and all were positive. That's a good sign. It means I've managed to code it to appeal to the audience I'm writing for and I did it well.

Thank you all who wrote to me.

Betrayed by Halloween

Posted at Updated:

"Betrayed by Halloween" is nearly finished. It will be five chapters: a prologue and four chapters. I'm posting the third chapter now and the last shortly after that.

Now, Chapter 5. That's right, I said Chapter 5. I was convinced by a beta reader that the short version would work as a Horror story. By continuing with Chapter 5, it becomes a paranormal romance. The long version will go up with the title "A Halloween Redemption". FWIW, I just this moment decided on the title. The prologue and first four chapters will be "Betrayed By Halloween", so if you wish to skip the first four chapters, feel free.

Anyways, Chapter 5 is in final edit along with Chapter 4, although I will finish Chapter 4 before even looking at Chapter 5. My muse rode me hard tonight, and I just had to get Chapter 5 written. And because my muse is a harsh mistress...

Chapter 6 is in rough edit.

Something to look forward to, I hope.



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