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SmokinDriver: Blog


Final Chapter Son of a Sailor

Posted at

Thanks to everyone that has been reading Son of a Sailor. The last chapter should be posted in the morning. I'm not sure what I'll post next. I have a few stories written but none that I feel are ready. They all need some editing or rewriting. If you've been waiting for the story to be finished you can start reading now. Please vote, it's one of the few ways you can thank an author for posting on the site.

Nick Book II Update

Posted at

A few have asked about getting a complete copy and right now it is being edited. I have made plans but it will be a few weeks until the whole thing is ready. I won't be doing anything before then. Next time I will get it all edited before I start posting anywhere.


Nick Book II Update

Posted at

Well, I did it again. I finished writing and started posting on the same day. Now I'm scrambling to get the work to my editor and proofreader so that I can post some more. I have some asking for the whole book and I don't have even what I posted proofread yet.

I will try to post again next Monday with chapter two. I will try to find a place to have the whole book available once all 38 chapters are edited and proofread. The whole book is close to 700 pages long.

I'm still working full time and about to go on vacation for a little while. I will do what I can to get the book posted when I feel the chapters are ready. Look for once a week until I get ahead on the editing some.

Thanks for you understanding.


Nick Book II

Posted at

I've had a lot of requests to write a sequel to the story, Nick, High School. You will need to have read the first book for the story and characters to make sense. I hope you enjoy the story.


Updates on writing and posting

Posted at

Thanks to all that are reading my new story "A trip to remember 1." I started on trip number 2 but hit a wall and stopped for now. I did pick up Nick and started on his college but it has taken a turn. Still writing, 280 pages in. We will have to wait and see if my muse will let me finish this one. The last chapter, (13), of A trip to remember will be out later this week sometime. I have to travel so it may be a little earlier or later than the normal Saturday morning release.



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