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Serena Jones: Blog


Edits have started!

Posted at

Okay! The first three revised stories are Franc 1: No Geek Policy, Franc 2: A New Game, and 12 Days. Unfortunately, there is no version or revised code, but from where I sit, they look like they got a new coat of paint and one of those really glossy finishes! If you haven't read these three in a while, now is the time! And I promised I wouldn't name any names, so I'll just say, again, THANKS "buddy"!!!!

All Hail Bud!

Posted at

Bud has graciously offered to edit Franc and a few other of my older stories, so refreshed versions will be posted as soon as I make corrections.

I can not thank Bud enough for doing this. I have gotten better at spelling and grammar over the years, but it is so hard to re-visit things I wrote ten (or more!) years ago. Having someone with new eyes look at them is an unqualified Blessing.

Thank you, Bud. Thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!

Rosa Updates

Posted at

Hi All! Long time reader, first time time - oh, wait....

Ok, so RL is a bitch but you married her, so you deal, right?

I am starting with Rosa. Five new chapters. Everything else is reposting to fix typos I've found or that reader have pointed out (thank you everyone! Remember: tell me what chapters and the full sentence that's wrong. If I can't find it, I can't fix it!)

No promises for a time table for future releases, but Rosa will never end. Her story will always be continuing.

I am not dead

Posted at

But RL has killed most of my writing time. I am still working on streamlining my schedule so that I can spend more time writing, and I do plan to finish all three of my 'yellow strip' stories. It's just taking longer than I hoped to get to them.

Sorry for the wait, thanks for the patience.


Fan Fiction is a Virus

Posted at

Ok. So, I used to post all my Fan Fiction on AFF_dot_net. The audience for fanfic is there and the have very few rules about what is too smutty. This is as opposed to FF_dot_net which has a rather large number of rules about smut which even my romantic stuff violates. Most of my fanfic is disgraceful.

But AFF has some glitchy tech, and I always have load problems. Plus, they get a little quirky on the TOS - and not in a good way. I know of two authors that the site moderators have treated shabbily.

So, I'm done. I'm putting my fanfic here where the audience is smaller, but I trust both the tech and Lazeez. A story a day will go up here starting today. There are only 7 of them. There are a couple more in editing, but those are new and have never been posted anywhere.

I've put them all in a Series; it's called "Fan Fiction is a Virus." Enjoy.



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