2: Christmas Redone by Orblover First off, have the tissues ready. If Orb wrote a shopping list, I'd read it. Oh, the story. Right. It's about greif. I went to a funeral a year from age 3 to age 23 and about half were for people younger than me. This story is about greif and about healing. I can relate.
3: Feeding The Pussy by KK When I grow up, I want to live in this neighborhood! The story is romantic and funny and feels just enough like real life.
4: Growing Up A Master by MWTB I wasn't into SMBD until I read this. I'm still hoping for a sequel someday!
5: House in the Woods: Mai by Shakes Peer2B This series is not for the faint of heart. In truth, I should have read the codes closer! But I got over my squicks because Mike is a hell of a guy and ShakesPeer2B is a hell of a writer. But seriously, check the code before you read these.
6: Last Kiss by Switch Blayde It made me cry. I didn't want to, I tried not to, but I did anyway. Thank you, SB. Yes, you can.
7: A Love For The Ages by CWatson It's lovely - a transformation from no reason to live to every reason to live. It's a sweet tale about why we fall in love in the first place. Oh yeah, and it's got some great fantasy/sci fi elements. CW gives us a world I hope he'll write more of soon.
8: My Mother's Son by jackieoh Incest, yes, but sweet and loving and seductive. Utterly irresitable!
9: Only Three Months by Old Softy Because...because even after too many years of marriage, I know just how Spike feels about Kip. Every night should be just like this.
10: Prudence, TX Population 1276 by dstar Sex and Magic work beautifully in 'Deamon's Dream' and this story has more twists than a corkscrew! Updates are slow but well worth the wait.
11: A Stitch In Time by Marsh Alien Ok, admittedly picking my favorite Marsh Alien story is like picking my favorite Monet - it changes each time I see one. This however is one of the best "lost in time" stories ever and it's my list so I say who's on it! Seriously, sweet but meaningful. I called my family after a read it. Thank you, Trick.
12: William Redman Carter by Lazlo Zalezac Really you should read the John Carter Universe. And then you should seriously think about applying the two rules to your life.