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RonBo: Blog


I'm Back

Posted at

I just uploaded Mr. Buckley Part 2. It should be available soon.

Sorry it took so long to continue the story. I had started it months ago, then life got in the way.

Looking back at it's feedback I had forgoton how many readers had sent feedback asking for me to continue the story... SORRY!

If you haven't read the original I suggest you at least read the last few paragraphs before starting Part 2 since it picks up where Part 1 left off.

Thanks for your patience


Flash story

Posted at

Just an idea I woke up with the other morning turned in a short piece titled After School Blow Jobs



O. K. Finally a new story

Posted at

I've been lazy. I started to add on to Mr Buckley but never got beyond the first ten pages. I will try to finish soon.

I just submitted a new story Punished by the In Laws which is basically my usual stuff with a slight variation.

I may have overused dialogue in this one so if that bothers you you should pass on it.

I hope some of you enjoy this. I enjoyed writing it.



Mr.Buckley feedback

Posted at

I received a lot of feedback on this one. I had fifteen requests to continue the story. I am pretty busy right now but tomorrow I plan on starting an outline for a continuence. I'm not sure if it will be a second chapter or a sequel, but be patient and something will be posted as soon as I can get it together.

Thanks for all the comments and suggestions!

... and of course thanks for taking the time to read my story....


Mr. Buckley, the story that wasn't meant to be.

Posted at

I just uploaded Mr. Buckley. This was originally meant to be a spanking vignette in a larger story but as often happens my writing got away from me. I ended up expanding the vignette until it became the story you see.

I hope you like it....




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