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RonBo: Blog


Judd Chapter 2... again

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Sorry for the delay but sometimes stuff happens and there is no energy for writing.

I re-read Chapter 2 and realized that I didn't like the direction I had planned so I did a first. I changed the ending and went off in another direction. It's done. I hope it's satisfactory.

I have started another story. Most of my feedback on my spanking stories is positive so I am thinking that most of my regular readers like the idea of a young teenage girl getting her bare bottom thrashed by an authority figure. So prepare for young Cindy to have an encounter with her new step father.

Thanks for reading my stuff!


Judd Chapter 2

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Just uploaded chapter 2. As usual I can't tell you how many chapters this story will be. I will try not to end it too abrubtly... but you ever know.

Thanks for reading!


Poolside with Judd

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Here's a new story. Not as raunchy as my usual stuff but if you like aunt/nephew stories this one might be for you.


Submissive Neighbor Chapter 10 (UPDATED)

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I received several feedback emails about this story ending too abruptly and I agree. Here's what I replied to one of them.

Yes... it was an abrupt ending but I had written myself in a corner. There were too many females for me to keep a flow going so I decided that I (and Ryan) had had enough.

I have done this before... get my main character in over his head with too many women for me to feel comfortable writing about. This was heading towards a harem situtation with sex slaves and that isn't what I wanted. Sometimes my stories take on a life of their own and don't always lead me down a path that I want to continue with.

That being said... Thanks to you all for reading my attempts at writing.


Submissive Neighbor Chapter 10

Posted at

Just uploaded the last chapter. This story was getting unwieldy as Ryan's conquests grew.

Next on my agenda? I am thinking of adding to the Gramps story.

Thanks again for reading my stories...




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