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Returning_Writer_Guy: Blog


Late Night Postings

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Chapter Twenty of DarkFyre has been submitted for posting.

This one took a bit, but I feel it's worth it. I enjoyed a lot of things in this chapter and feel like it's picked up the pace of things a bit.

As always, a sincere, heartfelt 'thank you' to all my readers and supporters who encourage my writings and tell me how much they appreciate this story. It really makes me proud of this little tale!

The road goes ever on and on...

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Chapter Nineteen of DarkFyre has been submitted for posting.

There has been some pretty serious changes in my schedule as of late, so I've been doing a bit of adjusting. It's slowed my writing up a bit. I'm hopeful I'll be back to full speed once I get the hang of things.

Also, this chapter is a bit shorter than I originally intended. I cut some stuff I planned to have in the chapter to hold back for chapter twenty. This is partially because of said scheduling issues, and partially because, well, I'm a whore for these kinds of chapter endings. You guys know what I mean =P

Thank you as always for reading and following my little journey, and let me know what you think of it all!

Late postings of chapter eighteen goodness.

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Ello, folks!

Chapter Eighteen of DarkFyre has been submitted for posting.

Thank you as always to my loyal readers, and those who continue to send me their feedback, good and bad. I know this one took a bit, I fell a bit behind because of real life concerns, and also reasons.

I know there wasn't a whole ton of eventful stuff in this chapter. I'm a sucker with a guilty pleasure for lore building, and was in that mode.

I received some feedback, both positive and negative, regarding the 'Master/Lord/Sir' title usage in this story, specifically after Rael and Silmaria have gotten together. Believe it or not, the above scene was planned and almost entirely written before those bits of feedback were received, but that showed me I was on the same wavelength I guess. I hope the explanation cleared things up a bit.

In other unrelated news, a new poem/short freewriting/musing thingie called 'shadows' has been posted as well, for those who are into poem-y thought provoking stuffs and random glimpses into colorful plucky authors heads. Take a gander if its your thing, or shun it, whichever works for you!

Please continue to tell me what you all think! Feedback is important, and really helps me gauge if I need to make adjustments or I am hitting all the right spots! More to come soon.

Thank You.

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I want to say a sincere and heartfelt 'Thank You' to everyone who has read and appreciated and voted on DarkFyre. It has broken the top 15 on ongoing serials.

This may possibly come across as conceited, that a score and a place in the rankings means something to me. I'd like to think that even if I had crap scores and didn't even register on the rankings, I would still be inspired and driven to write.

That said? It's still gratifying to know that my work is well received enough to reach this high on the rankings. It's an inspiring thing, and I honestly and sincerely appreciate each and every one of you that takes time to read, appreciate, comment, and vote.

I may never go higher than the 14 spot. Hell, I could end up backsliding so far down the chart that I fall off.

And that's totally okay, honestly.

I have garnered some very awesome and loyal readers, and I will always be grateful to all of you for the time you give to read my work, and to let me know what you think of it.

Thank you so much again, guys and gals!


Updates Ahoy

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Chapter Seventeen of DarkFyre has been submitted for posting.

As always, thank you to all my readers for your supportive comments and critiques and all the encouraging words sent my way.

So, as is probably evident at this point, there will be more sex than has previously been featured, for some obvious reasons. Some of my readers are going to be totally thrilled by this, and some less so. The flip side of the readers who were thrilled while others were less so when sex was scant and plot was the star.

Both kinds of fans should, I am hopeful, continue to enjoy this ongoing tale. Sex will be more prevalent. But plot, character, and other key features that have been strong in this story thus far will continue to shine and be featured strongly. I think everyone who has been very supportive and enjoyed this story thus far will continue to.

Thanks again everyone, and keep coming back for more, it'll be on the way soon!



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