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Rainmaker: Blog


Visual file

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Hope some of the story readers check this blog out. My story was visually driven, and most (not all) of the female characters have their image drawn from a nude model somewhere on the WWW. I have compiled most of the specific images(or at least an image of the same person) into a file on a NetZero account, but it is a total of 32 MB as is. Anyone able to link me to a photo reduction program or at least a way of turning a folder into a web address? I am not the most astute person about the Web, but I am always learning.

New (partial) chapter found

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Cleaning out close to a dozen notebook I'd used to writer LIMITS, I came across a chapter than I'd written but not finished that would be a perfect chapter to follow 44. A fresh look makes all the difference, and it took all of two sentences to end the new chapter 45 perfectly. The old 45 was re-sent to be 46.

Revised Chapter 37!

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While cleaning out my briefcast of papers, I came across two sections of story that I had mislaid and failed to include. I have now entered three new pages for Chapter 37 -- where Michael Was. It is nothing earth-shattering, but it does make the chapter flow better.
The other revision figures to be an afterword on the penultimate chapter.
I also hope to have some news about a visual cast of characters that I want to be able to link for fans.

In closing ... some opening commments!

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I write this on the eve of submitting the final chapter of LIMITS to the editors. It has been a two-year-long journey and I wanted to reach out to the folks who stuck with me.
I know I lost readers along the way by the sheer number of characters who came and went. Some of the feedback I have received addressed this very thing. It was one reason I was motivated to write the third "book" of this story, CHAOS.
When I first starting filing chapters, I indicated that the story was finished. I thought it was. I had written the first two "books" and chapter 45 and thought they told the tale. But then I thought about how it seemed so simplistic that nothing happened beyond the control of my teenage protagonists. The stories starting coming to me in random order. It took as long to sequence the events correctly as it did to write the CHAOS chapters.
Since there was suddenly much more story to edit, I decided to go back and re-read Books 1 and 2. I was able to straighten out the names, clean up the discrepencies, changed one character in a big way (Marie) and eliminate two altogether (Meredith's father and second sister).
One disappointment was that one of my CHAOS chapters was rejected by the editors due to the age considerations of the site. I respect that, but it was a chapter not out of line with the story and one that I have found myself expanding. If any of you out there want to read the "lost" chapter, e-mail me -- but be warned that it "went young".
There might be a couple of stories left to tell moving forward -- I particularly like the backstory I have for Neely and I have a cousin of Meredith who (you'd learn) introduced her to self-gratification. And of course there's Kaitlyn Dove, Tanner and who knows who else.
But the odds are pretty good I've finished with these characters. I have another, non-fiction book to write under my real name that I have put off in order to finish this vanity project. I had to get this out of my head. So I put it in yours. Seems fair.
Rainmaker 5/26/12

Limits: critique me!

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Limits is a story I initially wrote almost two years, ago, but have continued to expand and tweak it as I have entered the chapters here. I have already consider one or two major additions to my original story, but no one will (hopefully) tell the difference. I do admit that I have grown more sensitive about the ages of some of my characters; when I was writing it for myself, it didn't matter as much. Hope you are enjoying it; it should clock in at 25 chapters, but several of those will be expanded.



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