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Rachael Ross: Blog


Babymaker Ends

Posted at

The last chapter (17) of Babymaker posted the other day. It was more my decision to post it than Rachael's. She left it in her collected "in-progress" directory with no instructions as to what to do with it.

I read and enjoyed the chapter. Rachael wasn't ever shy about turning a story's direction without warning. I think it kept things fresh and interesting for her. She didn't have a lot of patience. She wanted to be challenged creatively and intellectually, and find something new to explore. Obviously, she planned on taking this story in a different direction, but simply didn't have enough time.

If it isn't the last chapter that most people want or expect, that's too bad. She wasn't in the habit of catering to the audience anyway, but more often than not (once we thought about it) she ended up giving her readers what we wanted. I hope that will be the case here as well, and if not, you can blame me.

Those are my thoughts on the subject and why I decided to post the final, incomplete chapter to one of her most popular stories.


A brief comment and an apology

Posted at

First the apology. Rachael wrote a short story called "Nothing A Plumber" a few years ago and she wanted it posted to her blog on Nov. 6th of this year, for the obvious reasons. I saw it on my calendar and simply forgot. I apologize, Rather than post it late and on such a meaningless day, I think she'd prefer that I save it for the Presidential Inauguration.

Secondly, I can be reached through the email system here, that's the preferred method. I don't respond to any emails not directed specifically towards me. Fan mail continues to arrive. I look through it to see if there's anything requiring a response, but it's really none of my business.

It can be interesting, however, to get a glimpse into what Rachael had to go through, and she did so for years and years. My respect and sympathy for you authors out there grows daily.

SOL Feedback
Nov 15 (1 day ago)
to me
Message from: <a_reader> :

Reply Re: Sex Brat
Posted : 2012-10-15 - 10:41 pm

I think that was a nasty thing to do to a sibling
You must hate your family very much to even think
something like that

Psychoanalyzing Rachael (or most authors) through their fiction isn't actually a good idea. It might lead one to surmise that the reader has mistaken a mirror for a window.

So far as I recall, the main character of Sex Brat is an only child, and not even a real child. I can assure all of you that Rachael did not hate anyone, not even her relatives. Disappointment, Frustration, and Annoyance are about the most negative emotions I ever saw her display towards another person. She hated squeaker sneakers, not people.

I wanted to clear up any misunderstandings you readers might have. Thank you.

The Queue

Posted at

I've received several emails concerning how and when Rachael's stories are going up on this website. Several people also expressed concern over her unfinished stories. I'll address those issues here to avoid misunderstanding. I cannot be any more specific than this with regard to individual titles and for that I apologize.

Right now there are about 70 stories, including chapters of currently in progress stories, in the posting queue. They're scheduled to appear on the site between now and next April according to her personal sensibilities -- There are a lot of Kylie X. stories going up in February, for example. The stories will be posting under four different pen names: rache, Rachael Ross, T.S.Severe, and God of Porn.

Any other pen names she may have used in the past may be considered inactive and I'm working with the site owners to consolidate a number of stories and eliminate some of the older pen names. This does not include the Just Plain Jane stories or the work in progress by Milk Bunny. Those pen names and stories will remain as they are.

My job is largely to keep track of when new, multiple chapter stories post. The site doesn't allow authors to queue up subsequent chapters for later posting until after the first chapter appears. I have a calendar with specific dates for each individual chapter to enter the queue, and there are a lot of them. Rachael liked to say she was a short story author, first and foremost, but she wrote an awful lot of novels as well.

Rachael also asked me to edit and proof certain stories that she was unable to correct herself. A story posting right now, "Door in the Closet" is a good example of that. She completely rewrote the second half of that novel, beginning with chapter eight. Unfortunately, her illness didn't always allow her the time or energy to complete her efforts. She made it clear that she wanted to have a few (pleasant) surprises up her sleeve for longtime fans who wouldn't otherwise see a lot of new material.

Those familiar with her library can expect to see something new from time to time. I believe that every story currently in progress will eventually have new chapters added. And yes, that includes "Babymaker" and "Motherfucker" which are the two stories I'm most often asked about.

Door in the Closet

Posted at

This is a repost of a story that's appeared on this site previously. Rachael liked to post-remove-repost stories not only here, but anywhere she could get away with it. The reason for that wasn't to annoy or confuse long time readers, but simply to push her older material in front of new readers. The idea is that any online community grows over time, membership changes, and the way a site like SOL is structured the newer posts generate the most interest. It's all about marketing.

About the story itself, she didn't leave me any notes on it. She loved science fiction and was always looking for something new to write. You see a lot of authors, especially in the "erotica" genre, that only write on one or two themes, or write a few long, seemingly endless novels. Rachael preferred diversity. One never knows what a story will be about or where it will go, but they are invariably interesting and worth a look.


They were dumb enough...

Posted at leave a computer next to my bed :)))

I'm sick and I'm not writing. When I do it's gonna be an illustrated bible black novel. Get ready for that.

I asked Peter to cut 1500 words out of Tina Vazquez chapter 8 ...He called me back and said 1600 were gone. All adverbs. hahahah what a dick.

He's my brother in law, btw, which is why I trust him. If he screws me, I'll divorce his brother. Wait...That came out bad, didn't it?

Bestial brother will update on the last day of every month until it's done.

Other stories in progress will update as required by the Pope. He's a big fan, but a slow reader.

I'll try and do some email over the next few days, but this is really wearing me out. Honestly. It sucks being me right now. Chin up, eh? :) Love it.




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