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R22CoolGuy: Blog


The Thief of Shadows is complete!

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I just uploaded the end of ToS and just wanted to thank my many supporters. PotR has a prologue and three chapters complete. Once I have 6 to 8 chapters complete I'll start submittng them for editing and posting. I wanted to take one last moment to thank my editing team. Any mistakes that are left are of my own doing. For the faithful few that have e-mailed back and forth, thanks, your questions and comments keep me going.
I'll be in touch.

Thief of Shadows chapter 17

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I've submitted chapter 17 for posting and you should see it in an hour or so. As I did in Thief of Roses, I overwrote the end of Thief of Shadows. I realized again, that the story winds up nicely at chapter 18 and the chapters I am writing now are really a whole new saga. So with that being said Chapter 18 and a short epilogue after will be the end of this tale. On the bright side I have 3 good chapters for the next tale and am currently working on a prologue. As soon as Chapter 18 and the epilogue, which I intend to submit together makes its way through editing I will post it. My plan is to work on two stories at the same time and when I feel there is sufficient buffer I will start posting again. I want to thank you all for taking the time to comment on my writings. I appreciate your kind words and criticisms too. Enjoy the last two chapters.

Thief of Shadows, chapter 13

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I have received a few emails about Dunin and thought I should clear the air. Dunin will not be resurfacing in ToS. He was admitted to the academy and will be there for four years, ToS will not span that much time, and things are not nearly as bad as they will be when Dunin becomes a Merchant Marine. Chapter 13 was part tease for his story and part response to Rannath and Malak's conversation at the end of chapter 12. There are currently three stories bouncing around trying to get out and I am not even done with ToS yet. Dunin and Kalaban's story (unnamed as of this blog entry), The "Runeswords", and one as a response to several faithful fans that want Aaron to go to Tarra, called "Prince of the Rose". Honestly, I am unsure which will be next, but PotR, seems to be the odds on favorite.
On a personal note, I have to say I am enjoying writing and never knew I had the knack.


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I've been asked this question more than once and thought this was the best way to deal with it. In the Hall of Kings' it is Deathbringer in the runestone on the highest dais, its apparition is used when it wants to communicate while in the stone. Deathbringer has specific responsibilities within the Hall of Kings, one of which is the ability to communicate and appear as an apparition. Red Rose and Black Rose are the least powerful of the Runeswords and their runestones are in fact lower than the rest. Timekeeper is the most powerful of the Swords of Law. Remember Deathbringer was before the law. There are eleven total Runeswords, of which six are either mentioned or introduced in ToS. So that means you will hear about two others.

I am working on a story called 'Runeswords', that is set at the very beginning of Andor and feature the "Three that are One". All the Runeswords are discussed, actually the story follows the forging of the Nine. A spoiler; the Roses were not forged by the same being that created the Nine, but they were forged in the same manner and are under the law.

Thief of Shadows Chapter 7

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Sorry it took longer than usual to post chapter 7. It has been a crazy few weeks in the real world. I should be back on track and look for chapter 8 early next week. I've received some interesting feedback on this chapter, so I though I'd respond here. First, I appreciate you all taking the time to comment, bit anonymous doesn't allow me to respond to your comments, both positive and negative.
I've tried to make Aaron a little less perfect, but I may have not articulated it well enough. In chapter 7 there are two instances where Aaron isn't paying enough attention to what is going on. The first when he is in the Deathmark and the second when arguing with De Ponce. In the Deathmark the tone of the discussion is the distraction, while with De Ponce it's the fact that Carlos is being difficult. Yes, Aaron kills, but unless it's personal he'd rather avoid it. Carlos isn't making that easier. So the emotion is frustration. I took a look at both instances and realized those emotions were woefully expressed to you the reader. I am going to rework that area and try to bring out Aaron's thought process better.



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