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PocketRocket: Blog


Crater time

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Between the holidays and extreme time at work, the writing was going slowly. Then the computer crashed, taking a 3/4 finished chapter with it.

We now have a newish (refurbished Dell, $97 without monitor) computer hooked up. I am starting to reconstruct the chapter, but it is almost like starting completely over.

This book will end shortly after the wedding, though an epilog is possible. Following that, a second story in the Saint Evie series. Then, who knows.

The day has arrived.

Posted at Updated:

At least the morning. There was time for a last girl's
night and some disagreements. I will mention the open window and the camera, but not the YouTube video. That comes later.

Comments are welcome and do not forget to vote.

Thanks to b4lurker for editing.

Working on the wedding day.

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So much planning goes into weddings. If things work out well, you spend the day bored out of your mind. Given that Siobhan is doing the planning, things might work out that way. Might.

I have finished the night before and am now working on the last minute details prior to the party. Something is bound to go wrong. It's a law of human nature. At least the weather is fine.

Hopefully I will wrap this story by Christmas. My gift to you.

Thanks to B4Lurker and Patrick for editing

Moving along with the end in sight.

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I have sent part three of book three to the editors. Current work is on Friday, the day before the wedding. All the ladies go into darkest Manhattan, while Sean tries to prepare for his first vacation ever. A honeymoon is a good reason in most books. the day of the actual wedding is coming next. Then I will think of other projects.

Hopefully, this entire story will finish before the holidays. As the conclusion of a major project comes into view, I have to thank all of you for reading. Please remember to vote and send comments.

Book Three

Posted at Updated:

So many things are happening. I have to figure out which will make it into the story and how. It gives me some insight into what Sheila is dealing with.

The first installment of book three is being submitted. I hope you all are enjoying finding who does what as much as I do.

There will be a wedding on Saturday. I promise. Getting there will be a journey.

Thanks to B4Lurker for editing.



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