Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
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PocketRocket: Blog


More on Sean and Sheila.

Posted at

Once again, thank you for making "[K]itten and [T]eddybear" the Clitorides Awards winner for 2013. I am too vain to say I am humbled, but I did see not this coming. Thank you.

The trilogy is now complete. You can read it as the series "How [K]itten met [T]eddybear." Some kind soul has seen fit to nominate the final volume as an epic story for the 2014 Clitorides Awards. I take that as a nomination for the whole series. Again thank you for your attention and support.

The first part of "Postcards from the Pacific" is has been posted in the "Richards Enterprises" universe. It covers the honeymoon. Do not expect a lot of graphic sex, though there are moments. This is more a travel story.

Thanks to B4lurker for editing and all of you for your kind consideration.

Thank You for Voting

Posted at Updated:

Thank you all for the votes on the Clitoride awards. [K]itten and [T]eddybear won 1st place in BDSM.

This was not conceived as a D/s story. Rather it was a romance, where BDSM was part of their daily lives.

In related news, the "How Kitten met Teddybear" trilogy is now complete. I just posted an epilogue and closed "[K][T] and Family".

Thanks to B4lurker for editing and thank you for your support.

"How Kitten met Teddybear" is finished.

Posted at Updated:

The deed is done and the newlyweds left on their honeymoon. The copy has gone to the editor. I may add an epilog or two, but this draws the story to a close. This does not mean that we have seen the last of Sean and Sheila, but that will be another story.

In a related vein, I am soliciting contact from submissives. After a couple of attempts, I was forced to abandon Christine/CC/Tess' voice. If anyone would like to write her stories, please email me through the site.

Once again, thanks B4lurker for editing.

Finally a new section.

Posted at

They are married. My own marriage was long enough ago that memories are spotty. I remember seeing my bride and the expression on her face, but I don't remember a thing the preacher said.

I had hoped to be finished by now. Instead, there is at least one more installment, though it may be short.

This chapter had a lot of revisions and rewrites. As a result, there are some logical inconsistencies. I'm working on those. Feel free to bring them to my attention. One of the reasons for the delays are all the threads and foreshadowings that need to tie off. Point out any I missed.

As always, thanks to b4lurker for proofreading. I could use a person with edit the entire story, in case you would like to volunteer.;)

Thanks also for the nominations for the Clitorides. :( I for one in Romance.;) Please second and third any nominations you feel appropriate.

One more time ought to get it done.

Finishing the story.

Posted at

I hope to have the rest of [K]&[T] by this weekend. However, the first thing is a revision of the last chapter, to add Francine's point of view. I intended to put it in the coming chapter, but it fits better there.

Once complete, Sean and Sheila will be married and on their honeymoon. There will likely be an epilog at some point, but it is not in the current schedule.

Remember to send comments and to vote. Thanks to B4lurker for editing.



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