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Expanded and elongated repost. On to the next. Thanks for reading and please feel free to drop me a note.
On a side note: nearly 4K downloads in less than a day! Wow! Thanks again to everyone for reading my scribbles, and PLEASE vote and/or shoot me an email.
Thanks for the overwhelming support and great feedback for the teaser chapter of A Stitch In Time. This will not be the final rendition of the chapter as I was just tossing the idea out there to see how it was recieved. I had been kicking the idea around for a while and finally sat down and let the Muse take over.
A question I have for you guys is this; would you rather have a bio type intro for Alex, or have it revealed through the story? I've gotten to know Alex over the years and I sometimes forget that you guys don't know him as well as I. Along those lines, I could also do my best to either explain or incorporate more info on ATLAS, ICARUS and all of Alex's other toys.
I'm a jarhead (thanks for that catch, Sam), so I could probably bore you to tears with specs and all that jazz. I DON'T want that to bog down the story.... So shoot me an email and weigh in on that line of thought.
For those that have downloaded Rain as well, I am still stuck. The problem is I don't know if this is the moment they consumate their relationship, or if the pressure should still build. Any input on that front is also welcome.
I have recieved some sage advice from authors that I respect and enjoy on this site. I have some planning and outlining to do, so bear with me. I promise it won't be a long wait (maybe a week or two tops).
Unfortunately life has caught up to me and has hampered my writing time. I will be continuing Rain, but will be on hiatus until further notice. I'm sorry to disappoint all of you who are waiting for a new chapter.
I have seriously sat in front of the computer on several occasions now and just stared at my story. I KNOW I need to write for you guys, but am stuck. If any of you have any ideas or suggestions, please e-mail me. (Shadypatch0341@aol.com)
That being said, if you do choose to e-mail me. I do NOT want Rain and Eric to begin a sexual relationship...so don't bother suggesting that. I do have some ideas for upcoming chapters, I'm just having trouble transitioning from where I am now.
Sorry for the lack of posts. I hope you all can sympathize with all of the holidays going on. I have a VERY rough outline for the next chapter, so hopefully I'll have it up soon. thanks for sticking with me.
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