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Orinks: Blog


Dark America Continues

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For those wondering whether Dark America would continue, fear not. I am still focusing my heart and soul into Galbadia right now, however I did clean up chapter 1 on this site and am reposting a revised chapter. I have already began work on a chapter 2. I actually had a chapter 2-4 once, but I lost it all and it can no longer be found.
I have yet to decide the update frequency for Dark America yet. I will update it when i can, as I have plans for Galbadia. But, nevertheless, I am continuing this great story everybody loves so much :).

Wrong chapter order

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Hello everyone,
Just a warning to all of you that the chapter 4 you all read was actually the wrong one. Despite me putting 5 in when I submitted the chapter this morning--4 was already in the queue ready to be posted today, I figured I'd add Chapter 5 as well.
I guess that wasn't such a good idea, as i come to find that what I had posted in the submition queue this morning was actually chapter 5, posted as chapter 4. I have since reposted the chapter and will post chapter 5 as soon as chapter 4 is correctly on the site.

New Chapter

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A new chapter of Galbadia Prime Online should be going up today. It is in processing. Next week, I'm up for workshop in creative writing. I have a non-fiction essay in mind. I questioned the idea so let's see if my teacher gives me the green light first.
Enjoy the longer chapters this week! I'm aiming for my chapters from now on to have a minimum of 1000+ words. Contrast this with my creative writing class, where we only have a 500 word limit. Go figure. Plus, with the amount of detail that i describe everyday mundane tasks... lol. I noticed that recently with Galbadia Prime online. Does everybody like that or do you think I should cut down on that verbose stuff?

And the story continues

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Galbadia Prime online chapter 3 has been in the queue for a few days now. It will go up on the 23RD.
Meanwhile, I'm writing chapter 4, which will contain backstory to Ethan, namely, things that nobody should deal with in their childhood.
From chapter 3+, the chapters will gradually get longer. I have also been throwing around the idea of opening a Galbadia Prime Online universe--thoughts? The idea is that I'll throw up a Universe Primer containing information about basic game information, and other authors can craft stories based on their own created characters in-game and out of game as well. Unlike most stories in RPGLit where the whole idea is that characters are perma players--they can never log out of the game and become a living character of that world, players in Galbadia Prime Online can opt into being a perma player any time, similar to how MMOs do the same for Player Killing. Obviously, after that they cannot go back.
With public universes, how do authors deal with trolling; or does that not happen here? What I mean is, if I make one, I expect authors who add stories to it to follow the Cannon, what little there is available right now anyway, which I will outline in a story similar to what other universes have done. What if an author adds some Erotic story that's completely off-topic, for example?
Anyway, onwards and upwards. Enjoy chapter 3 when it's posted Friday and I should be posting chapter 4 to the queue a bit before then.

Long time no post: A Six Year Blackout

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Hello my fellow readers.
Long time no post, though you'd think I had never posted here since blog entries were deleted.
I'm in a Creative Writing class. Despite the new story I just posted today, and will continue Friday, that is not one of my assignments.
Still, at least with my work from the class, I will post them as short stories. Remember that story Dark America? Yeah, that one. I may write short stories in that universe to flesh out that universe and the characters within it. Since our class will be doing workshops, if my class doesn't jive with these stories I'm thinking up from the remnants of Dark America in my head, I'll have to scrap the idea for the time being.
But. I'm back. Look for more Galbadia Prime Online on Friday, hopefully...? every week! I can tell you that right now, Chapter 2 is already written and will post on Friday or Saturday, give or take a few hours for the Mods.

Perhaps I shall call this day Creative Writing Spirit Day. Happy Creative Writing Spirit day, on this here September 13!
Forgive me folks. I've been reading a lot of "Modern Arther Trilogy. Well, that is to say once, but that's enough. :)



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