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Updates for November

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Hi everyone,
Depending on when my editor gets back to me, you may not be receiving any updates in November. This is because I've opted to participate in the beast known as National Novel Writing Month.
Win or lose this challenge, I will post the finished result on here. If my editor does get back to me, I will update the chapters of Galbadia Prime Online that need fixing.
With any luck, a new novel will be posting weekly come December, and Galbadia Prime Online will resume then as well. If any other short stories are written for Creative Writing--I think there's one more, I'll post it.



Posted at Updated:

Hello everyone,

So I should've thought of this earlier, but I've finally put in an editor request for Galbadia Prime Online! This means that Homophone errors that I previously didn't know was a Homophone error, E.G. "Capital", will all be dealt with. Hell, there is probably going to be a homophone error or two in this post because I don't think about that every second.

Since I'm still contemplating over Dark America, I'll leave that alone--only because I hadn't figured out how to delete it yet.

I uploaded a new story. Have you read it yet? It is called 'Rogue Orders." It is the round 2 piece for creative writing, and it takes place a bit after the current Galbadia Prime Online time; if only because I implied players being able to play other species--"they tolerated everyone else in the galaxy."

I'm sure this will come up in creative writing next week, so I'll address it here. My description for the story states that Charles Allbright "leads" his first mission, while in reality readers may think Rogers leads the mission. Sure, Rogers does lead the entire military op, but Charles does have his gunnery team that would die for him and are considered soldiers under his command. He also has one engineer, but due to the climax of the story he was not even mentioned. They are responsible for repairing ship damage.

There was also supposed to be a lot more to the story--the original, before I started removing stuff, was 561 words and counting. I got it down to 515. The max i've scene in the class over 500 was maybe 510-512. If anyone wonders why Charles and his gunnery team didn't put up a fight at all against the climax threat, it is this word limit. I'm sure my professor won't mind 515, but 561+? She'd probably tell me to re-write it; that's over halfway to 600.

Anyway, enjoy the stories. With an editor request in and chapters, at least for Galbadia Prime Online to go to an editor first, updates may not be as frequent.

I am going to continue writing stories for Creative Writing and give them to the class in its original form, and then the editors who help me here, and classmates; can help with revisions which will go here on the site.


Updates this week!

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Hello everyone,
Thanks to those who've reminded me that I missed my target days of Wednesday and Friday to get chapters out. The good news, however, is you will be getting a Double Shot of Galbadia this week.
The first of which is a requirement. I'm up for workshop for creative writing yet again. "The Simulation Experiment: Final Release" received pretty positive reviews from class, with a few stating that it could've been more detailed. I can see why there's more poets in this class than short story fiction writers; I can't tell what I want to tell in 500 words or less.
On that note, the second is Galbadia Prime Online chapter 9. A reader implied that I should have longer chapters, and on one hand, I agree. He called Galbadia Prime Online's chapter's "incredibly short", to which I told him that he should check out Tales of Mu for "incredibly short".
Granted, back in the day when I used to read that series, it was being updated daily with new chapters and as a result of them being a few hundred words at most, the chapters are in the hundreds.
The Galbadia Prime Online short story comes later in the week, while I will post chapter 9 as soon as it completes. I'm hoping to get back to writing a few chapters so that I can just schedule them like I have before.
Anyways, just wanted to give an update as to what's up. Galbadia Prime Online sure is not dead.

Chapter 6 Incoming

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Hello everyone,
Sorry for the long wait. Chapter 7 is not complete yet, but chapter 6 is the longest chapter in the story at 2000+ words.

New Short Story in the Queue, plus Galbadia Prime Online

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Hello everyone,
I haven't forgotten about you. New short story in the queue I wrote for Creative Writing.
Galbadia Prime Online has been slow. Due to CW and studying for a Philosophy exam, I may not be able to get chapter 6 up tomorrow. If this is the case, I'll attempt a double wammy on Friday by uploading chapters 6 and 7.
Enjoy the short!



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