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Ol'Mac: Blog


'Thadeus Hamilton' Repost

Posted at

Hi Folks,

I've reposted 'Thadeus Hamilton' with grammar and text corrections.

Let me know if it reads smoother.

Thanks and warmest regards, Ol'Mac

My Thanks for all the Help

Posted at

Hi Folks,

I just re-posted 'El Yes' from the edited MS that so many different hands helped create. With any luck it will read like real live English.

I'd also like to drop a note of thanks here for all that have taken this journey with me. The constantly overflowing IN box was astonishing to me, until I started reading some of the notes sent.

To my amazement, people were responding to these tales with expressions of joy and heartfelt thanks. Truth be told, I didn't know how to reply to this outpouring. So I'd just send a thank you and keep letting the characters get on with their lives.

Initially, I wrote these tales to paint the world I wanted to see. The world every child can relate to. The one where there are loving arms to hold you and soothing voices to hush away the hurts. If those worlds touched you in any way; I'm more than repaid for my efforts.

As for the repeated suggestion that these are publishable; I politely nod my head, say thank you and think, 'Not in a million blue moons'. They lack everything that a publisher is looking for. But that's because they were never intended to publish.

They were intended to speak to and hug the child hanging out deep in all our busy modern day adult lives. That's why a hard-bitten TV traffic reporter and his camera man could look at each other in unabashed wonder after running into their first Blue Dragon.

Perhaps I'll return to this world and tell the tales where bad guys never have a chance because people love one another. Until then, I wish all of you the very best and may your own personal Mage and Dragon watch over you.

Warmest regards, Ol'Mac

Chapter 25 is in Moderation

Posted at

Hi Folks,

Chapter 25 was handed off to moderation this morning.

Enjoy the read, as this marks the end of 'El Yes'.

My thanks to all that have taken the trip with me.

Warmest regards, Ol'Mac

Chapter 24 is in Moderation

Posted at

Hi Folks,

Chapter 24 should be posted to the site sometime this morning.

I want to thank everyone that was kind enough to send in their comments and corrections. All are appreciated.

Warmest regards, Ol'Mac

Chapter 23 Handed Off this A.M.

Posted at

Hi Folks,

Chapter 23 was just turned over to moderation this morning. It's a whopper and we'll see how it reads.

As always, your comments and corrections are treasured.

Warmest regards, Ol'Mac



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