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Ol'Mac: Blog


To Anon : Thank You!!

Posted at

There are times when I wish that SOL did not have the Anon option for sending email. The following is such a case.

I received a note from Anon regarding a typo and instead of being able to thank them personally, I have to resort to this public forum.

So, Anon, whoever and wherever you are, thank you from the bottom of my heart. It's insight and sharp eyes like yours that make the things we scribble appear in a much more readable form.

Warmest regards, Ol'Mac

At Last, Chapter 9 of El Yes Posted

Posted at

Hi Folks,

Well, finally 'real life' let up enough for me to slap together chapter 9 of El Yes.

Hope you all enjoy the read and as always, comments, corrections and just notes are all welcome.

Thanks for reading folks.

Warmest regards, Ol'Mac

Finally, Chapter 8 is on the Board

Posted at

Hi Folks,

First, my apology for the 'bite-size' of this chapter. Real life has been a real beast lately and leaves little, if any, time for writing. Thanks to you all for your patience.

I finally handed off what I had done of chapter 8 to moderation. We'll see how it posts.

As always, I want to thank everyone in advance for your comments and corrections. They all truly do help.

Warmest regards, Ol'Mac

Just Handed Off Chapter 7 of "El Yes"

Posted at

Hi Folks,

Just handed over chapter 7 of "El Yes" to moderation.
I think I have the 'text Gods' happy, but we'll see.

As always, your comments, corrections and notes are all appreciated.

Warmest regards to all, Ol'Mac

2012 Electron Revolt Comment

Posted at

Hi Folks,

The following comment was sent by Anon and it was so good I had to post it here. Thanks Anon!

It's so good to read a story that is about hope
rather than being a revel in violence. The way I
figure it, when someone writes, they can create
any world they want. Over and over, the authors of
SOL pen violent stories, where the viciousness of
the good guys is just as bad as the nastiness of
the bad guys. The writers are just people who like
violence and set up "good vs. bad" scenarios as a
justification for bloodiness. I've been thinking
about what kind of story could be written in which
the world, with the infinite possibilities
available in the imaginative space of these
stories, could be a cleansing, welcoming place.
Thank you for writing one such universe.

My only regret is that there is no other way to say thank you to this person for something that would touch any author's heart.

So, once again, thank you Anon!

Warmest regards to all, Ol'Mac



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