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Ol'Mac: Blog


Story Number Three is Up and Running

Posted at

Well, maybe not running exactly, but limping along nicely.

This one is going to post one chapter at a time.
Hey, even I have to sleep sometime! :)

Again, my heartfelt thanks to all that have enjoyed my tales. Your comments are always appreciated.

Warmest regards and see you at the news stand, Ol'Mac

Thank You Eagle Eyes!

Posted at

Just a little 'thank you' to all the eagle eyed readers that spotted my MASSIVE boo-boo.

Hey, I only left CH-16 out of 'El of a Thing', no big deal, right? :-(

Well, that's what I get for trying to rush at 3:00 AM.

To all of you that pointed out the weird spelling of "Eleven for Elven", you'll be happy to note the change. After a long debate with myself, I decided to insert the more familiar 'Elven'.

I can't begin to tell you how 'tickled pink' I am that folks seem to be enjoying my tales. It truly is an uplifting and humbling experience all at the same time.

I have a few chapters of the next book (Seriously rough) and I'll be posting them over the next few days. Hang on to your socks!

Thanks again for all of your feedback and comments, folks. I appreciate every one of them.

Warmest regards, Ol'Mac

OK, I Couldn't Wait a Week

Posted at

Yeah, yeah, I know I said tune in next week, but I couldn't wait. This has been way too much fun!

Second in the series is posted and I sure hope you folks like it as much as you did 'El No'.

Again, thanks for all the feedback folks, it's just been amazing.

Warmest regards, Ol'Mac

Just a Little Thank You

Posted at

Hey Folks,

I wanted to drop a line and say 'Thank You' to all the readers that sent: best wishes, encouragement, corrections, or just a 'Thanks for Writing' note.

I can't tell you how much it means to know someone is reading, and even more, enjoying my tales. If I've entertained you, then that's high praise indeed. Thank you all, once again for your feedback.

As to the burning question: "Will there be MORE?"

I'd have to say, "Tune in next week, same time, same channel…" :-)

Thanks again folks,



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