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Ol'Mac: Blog


More Expanded Backstory for NIS, or Billy Ray's Turn

Posted at Updated:

Hi Folks,

This time it's "Billy Ray : NIS getting an expanded backstory.

Several people dropped notes that stated that Billy's schoolmates were way too mature. So, I filled in the blanks.

Even if you don't normally read NIS tales, you just might like this one.

Enjoy the revised edition and all comments are more than welcome. After all, how else is anyone supposed to know what they're doing right, or wrong, or mediocre for that matter.

Oh, almost forgot, don't forget to vote anyway that strikes your fancy.

Warmest regards to all, Ol'Mac

Well, What Do You Know...It's Chapter Seven

Posted at

Hi Folks,

Chapter seven of 'Come El or High Water' has been handed off to moderation. Let us pray.

Enjoy the read and as always, comments are all treasured.

Warmest regards, Ol'Mac

Expanded Backstory

Posted at Updated:

Hi Folks,

It was pointed out by several people that my Joni : NIS tale was not explained in enough detail. So, after giving careful thought to this advice, I decided to add a bit of backstory to the text. Enjoy the revised version and let me know what you think; better?, worse?, no change?, etc.

Thanks in advance folks, Ol'Mac

Chapter 6 Submitted to Moderation...

Posted at

Chapter 6 is now in the hands of the moderators.

The next few chapters might take a while as RL has, once again, jumped up and smacked me in the chops.

I'll try to post them ASAP, but no promises folks.

Again, I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has made my 'on line' publishing 'coming out' such a joy. Your cards, notes, quips, jokes, corrections or just plain 'thank you's' have combined to make this a most memorable experience.

Thank you all again, and warmest regards, Ol'Mac

Man Alive ; It's Chapter 5......

Posted at

Ladies & Gentlemen, introducing........Chapter 5!!!

(Cue Elvis Voice-over) Thank you, thank you very much.

As always folks, your comments are treasured more than I can express.

Warmest regards to all, Ol'Mac



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