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MisguidedChild: Blog


Lost Contact List

Posted at

I didn't have my contact list backed up.
Jim and Bill, could you send me an email?
I have a chapter to edit.
Thanks guys.

Computer Crash!!!

Posted at

My computer crashed a couple of days ago. Like a good little nerd, I have full backups of the stories I'm working on.
The new drive was installed this morning. I've been working for 6 hours, reinstalling all my apps.

I use MS Office. Yeah, I hate them too, but it's what I have license for. I use OneNote for all my character notes, plot threads, location notes, and tech notes that apply to the current story. Upon reloading today, Microsoft in it's infinite wisdom upgraded my onenote. I didn't ask for it. I didn't click a box saying 'fine'. OneNote for windows 10 just loaded. I can't open my old onenote files. The new onenote won't even recognize them as onenote notebooks to convert.
If there are any onenote gurus in the audience, some adult supervision would be appreciated.
Assuming I can't get there from here, I'm going to continue writing. If you see inconsistencies, please let me know. What Companion goes with what character is a big concern.

Chapter 28-Metamorphis is posted.

Posted at

I tried to restrict my changes, after the editing was finished. I wasn't successful. Hopefully there won't be too many errors.
Chapter 29 is nearly finished. I'll try to get it to the editors in time for posting next weekend. Maybe, with that information, you won't shoot me for having another cliff hanger. :)

Chapter 27-First Contact is posted.

Posted at

I only added a paragraph here and there, after the editing was finished. Hopefully there won't be too many errors.
On a side note, Caleb gives Kim a perception exercise in this chapter. You'll know what it is, when you see it. The exercise is one of a set of Zen exercises I learned in my misspent youth. A variation on the exercise is looking at a tree, and trying to count the shades of green you see. Try it. You'll like it! :)

Corrections to chapter 26

Posted at

The errors were made after the editors sent it back. I have chastised my hands for making changes after the editors pronounced it good. I don't think they listened. They don't have ears ...
Is that groans I hear? :)
Thanks for reading.



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