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Mindmeld: Blog


Foul Ball Update

Posted at

I do wish I could post more frequently, but I'm only a few chapters ahead. What I can do, in the meantime, is list the titles of some of the chapters coming soon.

They are:
Chapter 19 - Suspicious Minds
Chapter 20 - Fondue for Two
Chapter 21 - The Play's the Thing
Chapter 22 - Aftermath
Chapter 23 - Fallout
Chapter 24 - Repairs
Chapter 25 - Going Home to Buffalo

Take care. Cya Sunday morning!

The One Constant

Posted at

The one constant in life is change, so with it comes good news and bad news. The bad news is, as my wife and I go through a career change together, including a move to a new state, there is likely to be some uncertainty. This could affect my ability to get as far ahead in the Phil Marlow story as I would like, for now.

The good news is, I will have two weeks of vacation between my current job and my new job towards the latter portion of April. HOPEFULLY, I can make a huge push then.

Jessica sends along her best and says to "suck it up, buttercup", whatever she means by that.

Foul Ball - Sophomore Year

Posted at

Chapter 9 turned out to be a rather short chapter, so I've included Chapter 10 as well.

I'd like to thank everyone for the generous feedback I've received so far. Thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by and visit.

Foul Ball - Sophomore Year reposting

Posted at

The first five chapters of Foul Ball - Sophomore Year have been reposted. The first six chapters were originally written in third-person, but I decided to change perspectives. Unfortunately, I didn't catch all of the changes and it has created some confusion. Hopefully, the mistakes have been rectified.

On another note, if anyone is interested in becoming a beta reader for the story, I'm sure it would be very helpful and much appreciated.



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