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Mindmeld: Blog


Foul Ball - Update

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I hope everyone is having a good morning/evening.

To keep it simple, I found myself hovering over the SUBMIT key for the latest chapter of Foul Ball and discovered I just couldn't do it.

Let me try to explain.

Until recently, I've been able to stay a few chapters ahead. A writer friend of mine told me I was headed for trouble - I hate that he was right. As I contemplated submitting the chapter, I knew it was not one of my best. That's putting it kindly. It was the absolute worst. I was rushing to make a deadline and my fingers betrayed my thoughts by spewing out mountains of, well, crap.

I would like to be magnanimous and say I didn't want to disappoint my readers, but the fact is, I didn't want to disappoint myself. Not everyone has enjoyed every chapter I've submitted, perhaps, except me. I loved writing each one and was happy to get feedback, even when it didn't match my expectations.

So, Plan B, right?

I'm not giving up, I'm just trying to catch up. I'd like to have several chapters in the can before I post again. To do so, I'll ask for your patience for a couple of months. I'm not going anywhere, but I really do need to catch my breath.

In the meantime, I'll accept some feedback. One of the issues I believe I have had was trying to cram too much into a short span of time. In 31 chapters, Phil has progressed through just a few months of his life. I'm hoping to address this in future chapters and get the story moving. Give me some feedback and let me know if you agree or disagree.

Foul Ball - Update

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Hi, all!

My father is doing much better. Thanks to everyone for their very kind words and understanding over the last week or so. He's doing much better, although I know he would rather be spending the morning on his bike, but cannot.

Chapter 29 is on it's way. Thanks for your patience, in the meantime.

Foul Ball - Update

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Good morning, all. Unfortunately, Foul Ball - Sophomore Year is going to miss a week. My father has been in the hospital this week and we're fortunate to be close enough to visit every day and be with both mom and dad.

For an 85 year old guy, he is not in the hospital for typical reasons. No, not my dad. He was taking his daily bike ride when he ran into a pothole hidden in the shadows. He has eight broken ribs, some road rash and a swollen knee, but is in good spirits. Fortunately, he was wearing a helmet, which is now cracked and useless.

I will resume next week and hope to get a little further ahead to keep this from happening anytime soon.

Foul Ball - Sophomore Year Update

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I apologize to everyone for the delay in posting the latest chapter of FB-SY. I mentioned previously this would be a tumultuous period and this is the result.

I guess the good news is our house sold to the first person who walked in. We close on our old house the day before we close on our new one in NC. Hopefully, things will start to wind down a little after that happens.

In the meantime, please be patient with me. And yes, Jessica has been very vocal in expressing her opinion.

The chapter is in queue...I swear!

Foul Ball Update - On the Road

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I am traveling today. Knowing I would be out-of-pocket, I have tried to use the automatic posting feature. This may result in Chapter 22 posting a little later than normal. Sorry, gang.

Update: Chapter 22 is in the queue and should post shortly.



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